“Then why? Why would he do this? He seemed…happy,” I said.

“Meaning?” Davit asked.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve noticed that he looks forward to taking Paulette home every evening,” I said.

“I had noticed that,” Davit responded.

“And he’s not the most talkative, but I got the feeling that he liked it here. Was appreciating slowing down but still being occupied,” I said.

“I got that sense as well,” Davit said.

“So it doesn’t make sense. But him as a distraction…” I trailed off, not needing to finish.

“It fits better, doesn’t it?” Elias asked.

“Yes. Like you said, you and Davit get distracted and spend time investigating Erik, and perhaps sowing division among your men,” I said.

“And keeping our attention away from what matters,” Davit whispered.

“And that’s Crystal. I know I don’t have to say this, but I’m going to anyway. She’s the only thing that matters. And I will do whatever it takes to get her back,” I said.

“As will we,” Elias responded.

I believed him, knew without even looking at Davit that he would too.

But I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.

I just knew that if I didn’t find my baby, and soon, I was going to fall apart.