

“Where is she?”Amethyst asked on a strangled cry that broke my heart.

She repeated the question.

Then repeated it again.

And again.

But no matter how often she asked the question, my answer didn’t change.

I didn’t know.

I stood there stunned, feeling like time had stopped.

This couldn’t be happening.

“Where is she!” Amethyst cried.

This was happening.

Her question, the anguish in her voice, snapped me out of my stupor.

I grabbed the phone and dialed a number. Then, I held Amethyst’s hand as I walked us back to the bedroom.

“Elias,” I said before he could even get out a greeting, “get to the house now. With help.”

I hung up then went to Erik, pressed my fingers to his neck, and felt relief that his skin was still warm. But he needed medical attention.


“Is he alive?” Amethyst asked in a quiet whisper.

“Barely,” I responded as I kept moving.

I did the same check on Paulette and found that she too still clung to life.

Her breaths were shallow, her heartbeat thready, but she was still here.

At least for now.

I looked back at Amethyst, saw that she was on the verge of a panic even greater than before.

“Amethyst,” I said, my voice calm in a way that I could barely believe. I was anything but calm, was, in fact, on the verge of losing it too.

But I would keep it together for her.

For Crystal.

“What?” she said, her gaze snapping to mine.

“I need you—she needs you—to stay calm,” I said.

“Calm?” she yelled, her voice rising three octaves.

“Yes. Calm,” I said, lowering my own voice.