I held her face tight in my hands, my eyes locked on hers.

I could see her eyes were wide—panic, fear, a whole host of emotions I didn’t want to name, all of it surging through her at once.

“You can do this,” I said. “For the baby.”

She nodded and then looked away, and though she didn’t exactly appear calm, she seemed to be holding it together.

I hoped so.

I had a lot of things to deal with, including keeping myself together.

But Amethyst was strong.

And Crystal would need her.

Just as she would need me to do whatever it took to get her back.

So Amethyst would do what needed to be done.

Just as I would.

“Stay with Erik and Paulette,” I said to her.

I went back to the front of the house to check the other guards and saw that they were all dead.

I went to the study and found the server that stored the security videos of the outside of the house missing.

No surprise there.

Whoever had done this was sophisticated enough to disable the security measures without affecting the power.

Stealing the server was trivial and probably unnecessary, but it showed a level of thoroughness that left me cold.

My mind started to race, searching for answers, but I refused to allow my thoughts to spin.

Refused to think about anything but what the next step was.

I opened the other safe in the study, one that they hadn’t managed to find.

Pulled out documents for clean identities, account information,addresses for safe houses, all that we would need should we have to go underground.

By the time I finished, Elias was walking through the front door.

“Where’s Crystal?” he asked, his voice calm, but concern clear in his face.

For a second, I wondered why he’d asked but realized the quiet had probably tipped him off. Since her birth, our home had always been a buzz of joyful noise.

Now it was silent.

Deathly so.

Amethyst walked down the hall looking like a ghost, and I saw the moment Elias recognized the seriousness of what had happened, if not the specifics.

There was a look of pure shock on his face, one that I had never seen before.

But he recovered quickly and then moved into action.

“Amethyst, get into the car,” he said.