“Remember what we discussed, Amethyst,” he whispered.

His voice was different than it had been just seconds ago. This was the voice from last night, deep, melodic, rich with a faint accent.

But my reaction today was much, much different.

It had scared me last night, and it still scared me now.

But there was something else, too.

Something about the sound made me lick my lips and wipe my hands against my pants.

Made me want to fidget with nervousness, and not just nervousness. Almost instantly, I was on edge, needy with desire. My hands tingled with the urge to touch him. My sex clenched, the thought of him filling me making my breath jagged.

I fought to get control of myself, knew that whatever I might be feeling was just stress, but that it didn’t matter. I needed to keep it together if I was going to handle him.

Which, of course, assumed I could handle him.

I wasn’t sure that was a safe bet.

“I’m sorry, Josh,” I said, deciding I needed to end this conversation now. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. If you don’t mind, I need to get to work.”

Much to my shock, I sounded almost normal, something that was confirmed when Davit studied me.

His dark eyes were deep, probing, clearly trying to take my measure.

After a moment, he nodded.

“I’ll see you later. I may even sign up for the ice cream social,” he said.

“Sign-ups are closed,” I said.

He shrugged. “I’m sure you can make an exception for your pal.”

I scowled at him, and he smiled, which made me want to flip him off.

But I held myself in check, told myself that antagonizing him probably wasn’t smart.

And besides, I was exhausted, wrung the fuck out. I wasn’t in any condition to have a battle of anything with him, least of all wits.


I looked down at my phone, and Davit did too.


I waited for him to leave, but he seemed in no hurry to do so.

I pushed the intercom button. “Amy here.”

“Amy, come to my office now. I need these letters done ASAP, and I have some other tasks I’d like you to handle,” Keenan said, his voice coming through the speaker tinny and even more irritating than it was in person.

I scowled but then made a conscious effort to fix my face. “I’ll be right there, Keenan,” I said.

I let the button go, then felt myself scowling again.

“What’s the story with you and Keenan?” Davit asked.

“There is no story with me and Keenan, just like there is no story between me and you. So if you don’t mind…”