Were she anyone else, it wouldn’t.
But it did, for reasons I refused to examine.
I couldn’t deny that something was going on with her. And that was my concern.
I wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but tonight she had seemed different.
That wasn’t a word I would ever associate with Amethyst, not for a second.
She could be quiet, might be taken as a little bit shy, but inside, she was a fighter.
So the way she gave in made me wonder what else was going on.
I wouldn’t figure that out sitting here, and I wouldn’t rest until I had an answer, so I found myself headed back to her place, knowing she would be displeased.
That was something I looked forward to.
I’d never tell her, but she was adorable when she frowned, even cuter when she pouted.
Still, given the current status of things between us, I’d keep that piece of information to myself.
But what I wouldn’t do was give in until she told me what was going on.
The street was quiet, though I noticed a silver sedan parked opposite her house.
I hadn’t seen it before, and I made it a point to look around wherever I was, a habit that I knew I would never break.
I took note of the car but then dismissed it, told myself that it probably belonged to someone visiting one of her neighbors.
Everything else seem to be fine.
Or at least it did until I reached her house.
She always kept her porch light on.
I suspected it was on a timer, and at this hour it should definitely be on.
It wasn’t.
Instinct kicked in before rational thought.
I ran toward Amethyst’s front door.