I had no idea what I was doing.
That thought in mind, I went to my bedroom, showered, and put on pajamas. The whole while, my mind was churning, searching for an answer.
No solution was forthcoming.
After I left the bedroom, I sat on the couch, my hand wrapped tight around my locket.
“I wish you could help me, Mama,” I said.
There was no answer. I knew there wouldn’t be. But saying the words out loud gave me some sense of calm.
I could do this.
That momentary peace I had managed to find was shattered when I heard the buzz telling me that someone was coming to the door.
I didn’t bother to look at the camera, but instead stomped toward the front door, angry that only seconds after I had managed to calm down, he was back to disrupt my peace.
Uproot and roil my life more than he already had.
I pulled open the door, ready to let him know how I felt about his intrusion. “Davit, I—”
The hand that shot out and closed around my neck didn’t belong to Davit.
* * *
Amethyst had been agreeable,had acquiesced with little fight.
The result I had wanted, but one that didn’t sit well with me.
I had parked away from her house as was my custom but hadn’t driven away yet.
Instead I waited, turning that last interaction over in my head.
I’d been honest when I said that her avoiding me was problematic.
I didn’t want questions, but even more, I didn’t like her putting distance between us.
Which was ridiculous.
The woman hated me, and she had good reason.
She was physically attracted to me. There was no way to deny that. But she wouldn’t want to spend time in my company, not after what I had done.
And that annoyed me.
Made me almost feel…bad.
Which was new for me.
My entire focus was the family, making sure I did what I could to contribute to our business, keep us strong.
Unfortunately for Amethyst, she was a bystander who had been forced into something she didn’t want to be a part of.
But that shouldn’t bother me.