Page 38 of Bet on It

“Oh, so it’s a one-night stand?” Reniece sounded impressed. “You had a one-night stand on a Monday? Damn, girl. When I told you to get out there, I didn’t think you’d go all out like this.”

“It just happened.” Aja put the phone on speaker, using one of the hair ties on her wrist to put her braids in a low bun. “I really didn’t plan it.”

“But you used protection, right? You were safe?”

“Yes, Reniece, of course. I was impulsive, not reckless.”

“Hey, we’ve all been there. I’m just making sure we don’t have any surprises in a few months—in any form.”

Suddenly Aja felt the need to roll back her previous statement. She and Walker had used protection, but they hadn’t had the full talk. The one where they discussed the existence or statuses of their latest STI tests. Her last test had been over a year ago, before she’d moved to Greenbelt—and long after the last time she’d had sex with anyone other than herself. She supposed that had been reckless. Even if she and Walker never had sex again, she made a mental note to get tested, and to remind him that he probably should too.

“I’m fine,” Aja stressed.

“Good,” Reniece breathed. “Now tell me what happened. Did you do it in your place? Is he still there? Put him on!”

“Girl, no! He’s not here. And if he were, I sure as hell wouldn’t let him talk to you.” She laughed at the absurdity of it. “We, uh… we actually did it in the Honda.”

“Excuse me?” Her tone was deadpan.

“Yep. I rode his dick right there in the back seat.”

Reniece released a sound that at first sounded like a wounded animal. Then she squealed. Aja could picture her sitting downstairs on the couch in the dark, trying not to disturb Tyson or wake Justin up and failing spectacularly.

“That’s what the fuck I’m talking about,” she stressed, sounding like her teeth were gritted. “I knew you had some of my bad-bitch energy in you.”

“Oh please.” Aja pulled her dress off, laying it over a chair. “You act like I’m some innocent little virgin. My anxiety didn’t always get in the way of me getting dick, you know. That’s a recent development.”

“Even when you were out here doing your thing, you never had stories like this. They were always pretty tame.”

She wasn’t wrong. Aja hadn’t had a bad sex life—not by a long shot. She actually considered herself lucky; the string of boyfriends and flings and one-nighters and situations she’d had in her life had been pretty good. Better than most straight women had, she figured. The majority of them had even managed to make her come most of the time. What they hadn’t been though, was very adventurous.

Sure, her encounter with Walker had probably been tame by other people’s standards, but it was the hottest thing she’d ever done. Spontaneous dick riding in the back seat of her car? Aja of a few weeks ago would have laughed in the face of the Aja of today if she’d been fed that story. It had happened though. The experience was real, and she could hardly fucking believe it.

“It was the best sex I’ve ever had, Niecy.” Aja put a hand to her chest to calm the fluttering. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to go back after this.”

“Why do you have to? You can’t just call him up again?”

Aja sighed. There was the rub. She didn’t know where the hell she and Walker stood. She felt certain that they weren’t together, but uncertain about everything else. Was he going to call her in the morning? When they saw each other on Wednesday, were they supposed to behave like they hadn’t gotten hot and heavy? Were their Monday-night bingo games still on? Perhaps they should have discussed all of that before they’d fallen into bed—or back seat, rather.

Now she was left with warring emotions. Elation for what had happened and apprehension for what was to come. She was incredibly familiar with the latter. Sometimes the anxiety even felt comfortable when she was faced with the parts of life that she found more difficult. She had no idea what to do with the elation. Tuck it away? Fold it into some hidden place in her head until she needed it most? Maybe she wasn’t supposed to be feeling it at all. It was highly likely that Walker was lying in bed right now, satisfied and content with the state of his orgasm without any of the extra shit. She knew that was a big possibility, and she desperately didn’t want it to be.

“I didn’t get his number,” Aja lied, listening as her best friend cackled. “But that’s all right—on to the next one, right?”

That was a lie too. She had no other men on her roster, nor the desire to add any. But Reniece didn’t need to know that. Aja didn’t feel like explaining feelings that she hadn’t entirely worked through yet. She didn’t feel like hearing the pity or the lecture. This was just for her to wallow in. Maybe once it was over, when he was gone and she was forgotten, she’d cry in her best friend’s lap. Not now though. Now she needed to shower to wash his scent off so she wouldn’t stay up all night trying to catch traces of it on her skin.

“I have to go,” she rushed out. “It’s late and I have to work in the morning, but I wanted to tell you. I thought you’d be proud of me.”

“I am! I’m glad you had a good time, and I’m happy you told me. I like knowing what’s going on in your life.”

“When it’s not so fucking sad…”

“Even when it is.”

Both of them let out shaky breaths, and Reniece, probably sensing that Aja was at the end of her emotional rope, wrapped things up.

“All right let me get off this phone and get back to my man then. Tyson always gets horny after the rose ceremony,” she whispered. “Maybe I can do some dick riding of my own.”

“Reniece, gross. What the fuck?”