Page 37 of Bet on It

“I swear you’re goin’ to kill me, Peaches.” The nickname made Aja tighten around him. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything as good as you.”

She whimpered; the feel of him had her unable to speak. He was mouthy during, and even when she didn’t have the words to reply, she realized that she liked that. A lot.

He gripped her hips, helping her ride him, but managed, somehow, to keep his own hips relatively still.

Fire traveled from her toes, up to her knees and thighs, which burned slightly from the lack of this particular kind of use. When the heat reached her pussy, she bounced on him faster. Then Walker was touching her all over. Rubbing the insides of her thighs, squeezing her hips, reaching around to rub her nipples through her dress. He was everywhere, inside her, outside her, all around her. She could smell his cologne mixed with the sweet summer sweat on his skin, feel the weight of him entering and leaving her, hear his nasty coaxing words of encouragement. The only thing she couldn’t do was see him, but even then, she could picture his face perfectly behind her eyelids.

“I want to feel you come, Aja,” he growled. There was desperation there, so deeply rooted that it felt like he’d been yearning to say the words for a long time.

She couldn’t compel her mouth to work, words refused to form even in her brain. But her hips had a mind of their own and the only thing they wanted was to get them both off.

She cried out when she felt his fingers graze her clit. Soft and a little dry, like always, they sent a jolt of pure ecstasy through her body. His fingers circled her, bringing her closer and closer.

She ran into her orgasm like a brick wall. So hard and fast, it sent her reeling. Her head went heavy, and her toes curled. Her stomach flip-flopped as she fell deep into her pleasure. Body shivering, she fell forward even more, giving Walker room to fuck at his leisure.

Hers hadn’t even subsided before his hips stilled and the hands on her hips gripped tighter. She tightened around him, and he let out a shuddering breath, then a low moan. He kept his grip tight on her hips as he came down. She could feel him bend forward some, pressing his head into the center of her back. When the whisper of his lips hit her skin, she nearly bit down on her tongue.

“Turn around, Aja.” Walker was the first to speak. “Let me see you, let me kiss you. Please.”

She rose up off him slowly. He still felt so unbelievably good, and she was regretful that she couldn’t hold on to him a little longer. Walker had his arms around her as soon as she turned.

“There’s that beautiful face,” he whispered against her lips. “The only part of that I even slightly regret is how I didn’t get to see your face when you came.”

She kissed him, hoping her mouth said everything she couldn’t say out loud. Conveying every bit of longing and happiness she felt. And when they pulled away from each other, she felt lighter—she felt good.

Walker smiled at her, lips stretched, teeth gleaming white, eyes burning even in the dark. She was helpless to do anything but smile back.

Walker had insisted on following her home in his truck. She’d had no problem with it, content to let him be the sweet Southern gentleman he was so eager to be in the absence of a more… traditional… first time. Had they been in her apartment, Aja had no doubt that he would have stayed over. Curled around her as they slept, big hands on her belly and hips. And when they woke up, he probably would have made them pancakes. Then he’d have flashed her one of those smooth, charming grins before he went on his way.

Because that was the kind of man he was. The kind who didn’t need to lie or scheme to get women into bed. The kind who didn’t try to coax out physical attraction with promises of the love of a lifetime or happily ever after. All those things were unnecessary when held up against the sheer reality of him.

She’d been bold, leaning into the window of his truck and giving him a long, hungry kiss before pulling away and running upstairs. She could still taste him when she got inside, so much so that she seriously contemplated not brushing her teeth before bed. She decided against that ultimately, on the grounds that doing so might mean she was on a whole ’nother level of sprung.

It was just after eleven when she got home; around the time she normally would have gotten into bed. She was going to need rest if she expected to focus on work tomorrow. But she was so damned wired. Her skin felt alive, and her brain buzzed, and she was ridiculously close to spinning around in some kind of lovesick circle. She felt at a loss for what she was supposed to do now. She also felt the deep, aching need to tell someone about it.

One moment she was leaning against her door and the next she was calling Reniece, hoping and wishing that her best friend was awake.

“Your brother says you need to stop calling us while we’re watching The Bachelor.” Reniece didn’t bother with pleasantries, so Aja decided not to either.

“Niecy, I just had sex.”

“Hold up.”

The silence on the other end seemed to stretch on forever. Then she heard movement followed by an annoyed objection from Tyson. When Reniece spoke again, it was quiet in the background, and her voice was a whisper.

“Can you repeat that for me, please?”

“I. Just. Had. Sex.” Aja hoped her eye roll could be detected over the phone.

“With who?” Her best friend’s voice got a little louder.

Aja realized then that she hadn’t mentioned Walker in any of their conversations. She hadn’t known how to. It wasn’t like he was her man, or even her prospective man. But it had also never felt totally right to bring him up as a new friend. That was what he was, technically. But she’d known that wasn’t all he was to her.

“J-just this guy,” the words stumbled out and Aja silently begged Reniece to keep it moving without forcing her to expand on that.

“What guy? I didn’t know you were seeing somebody.”

“I’m not.”