He kissed her then. Or maybe she kissed him. The wind blew around them as the ocean heaved a steady rhythm a dozen feet away. It was a beautiful day after all.
Cara broke away then wrapped her arms about his waist, with her head against his chest.
He held her tightly against him as his pulse began to calm down. “Thank you,” he murmured.
“For what?” she asked, not moving from her position.
“For being a light in my life.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, then she slowly lifted her head. “You underestimate yourself, Roman De Marco.”
“Well, let’s see what you think of our planned date,” he said. “Then you can judge me.”
Cara smiled.
“Did I tell you I love your smile?”
“Not today.”
“I love your smile.” He pressed another kiss on her mouth. “But we need to get moving. I have big plans.”
Cara’s eyes glimmered back at him. “All right. What should I wear?”
“Let’s go figure it out.”
Cara laughed. “Okay . . . this will be new . . .”
Roman stood and pulled her to her feet. He kept his arm loosely around her shoulders as they headed to the car. He probably had a bunch of texts and emails waiting on the phone he’d left in there, but he didn’t care. Everything could wait until tomorrow.
When they walked into Cara’s apartment, she shed her jacket and boots right away.
Roman had brought up his blazer and tie, and he draped them over the nearest chair. Then he surveyed the place and was struck by the plainness and simplicity of it. It almost looked like she was just visiting.
“Where’s all your stuff?” he asked.
Cara looked over at him from where she was hanging up her keys. “What do you mean?”
“I mean . . .” He waved a hand. “This place looks like a hotel room that you’re staying in for only one night.”
Cara frowned and looked around the living room and kitchen combo. “Why would you say that?”
“There’s nothing on the surfaces. It’s so clean, almost like it’s not lived in. No offense, it’s just interesting.”
“I like things clean, I guess. In cooking, we’re always cleaning, so it’s just what I do wherever I am.” She crossed to the fridge and opened it. “Want some water?”
“Sure.” Roman watched her movements, hoping what he’d said hadn’t offended her.
She pulled out a pitcher of filtered water, then filled two glasses. She handed one to Roman, then took a swallow of her own.
“Was I rude?” he said when she set her glass down.
“No, but I can tell you want to say more.”
Roman walked around the kitchen island toward her. “It’s just that I don’t want to cramp your style, you know, if you like things a certain way. With a kid, especially a six-year-old, there’s a lot of messes. Of course I have Lila and Thayne, but not always.”
He stopped close to her, resting his hand on the counter.