Cara tilted her head and met his gaze. “You sure issue a lot of warnings, Mr. De Marco. You forget, I’m from a big family, and I’m a proud aunt of a kid younger than Mia. I understand messes. In fact . . .” She moved her hand and placed it on top of his on the counter. “I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

Roman leaned closer. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear.”

Cara took a small step forward. “I used to be a slob. Ask my mom. It wasn’t until I got obsessed with cooking that I cared about any sort of order.”

She smelled of sea air and faint cinnamon. “Is that right?” Roman asked.


“So you won’t care if Mia is hanging out with us and things aren’t tidy all the time?”

Cara smiled. “If I’m annoying, then you can just call me out. I’ve no doubt you will.”

Roman grinned. “Okay, you gave me permission, and I’m not going to forget it.”

“Now,” she said, turning his hand over, and locking her fingers with his, “you need to tell me what I’m supposed to wear tonight.”

“Can I see your closet?”

She raised her brows at this. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

His other hand settled at her waist, and he pulled her slowly toward him, closing the distance between their bodies. “Very serious.”

She twisted out of his hold, keeping his hand in hers, then tugged him with her out of the kitchen. They walked to her bedroom, and Cara flipped on a light since the blinds were closed. The bedroom was much the same as the rest of the apartment. Simple and tidy.

He helped himself to looking through her dress rack, and he was pretty sure he heard her scoff. But this was serious business.


He’d found the black dress—the one she’d worn to the Christmas Eve dinner at his Wyoming ranch. He turned and held up it.

“That one? You’ve seen that one.” She smirked, looking cute with her arms folded, in her green-print dress and bare feet.

“Yeah, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you in it and how much I wanted to kiss you right then and there.” Roman stalked toward her.

“Well, in that case.” She laughed and snatched it from him.

Roman stopped in front of her, leaning close.

But she pushed her hand against his chest. “Out, hot stuff. I’m going to change, and you’re not allowed to kiss me in my bedroom.”

He grinned and headed out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

Once in the living room, he slipped on his blazer, then draped the tie around his collar and secured the knot. It was only about ten minutes later when Cara came out of the bedroom.

He turned to see her coming down the hall. She’d put her hair up and added some black heels and earrings.

She was stunning. And his heart was doing somersaults.

“What do you think?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“Come here and I’ll show you.”

She walked straight for him, and when she was in kissing distance, he kissed her. Carefully, but thoroughly. He didn’t want her to doubt that she was beautiful.

Her fingers curled around his lapel, and she whispered, “You look nice.”

“Is that the best you can do?”

She smiled against his mouth. “Okay, you look hot.”

“Better,” he murmured. Then he lifted his head and gazed into her endless blue eyes. “Ready for our first date?”

“I kind of feel like we’ve been on one since I picked you up from the airport.”

“All right, then ready for the rest of our date?”

She smoothed her hand along his tie. “Yes.”

He released her, then held out his hand. “Let’s go make some memories.”