It wouldn’t be fair to Cara, or to him. Or Mia.
His daughter was the one he needed to be focusing on right now.
Who was he kidding, though? Mia had blossomed like a summer rose while spending time with Cara. It was fear of the future that had Roman’s stomach in knots. He riffled through his suitcase and retrieved a button-down that could probably use an iron, but not if he wore a sweater over it.
He pulled out his phone and checked the weather app. It would be pretty cold tonight, enough to warrant a sweater. So no ironing needed.
He’d just finished changing when Mia burst into the room. He probably should have locked the door, but it was too late now. He was dressed anyway.
“Can I sleep over at Ruby’s house tonight?” she asked, her brown eyes huge with excitement. “Her daddy will be gone at work, and it will be girls only.”
Roman’s first instinct was to say no, but he didn’t want to crush his daughter’s excitement. “How about I talk to her parents at the sing-along, then we’ll decide.”
Mia’s brow wrinkled. She was probably trying to determine if this was a no. “Okay,” she said after a couple of seconds. “I’ll go tell Ruby that you need to talk to her mom and dad.” Before rushing out, she added, “Oh, and Dad, I think we should move to Texas. It’s the best place ever.”
Mia disappeared before Roman had a chance to answer.