“All right,” Ruby said.
Mia slid off the counter, then followed Ruby down the hallway as she called out for her grandma.
Roman moved into the hall. “I guess if we’re going fancy, I need to get changed.”
“You look fine,” Cara said, her tone warm as she joined him in the hall. “But yeah, you should choose something other than a T-shirt.”
Roman flashed her a smile. “Noted. I need to stand out above any of your old boyfriends.”
Cara’s mouth gaped. “You did not just say that.”
“Your mom said you were quite the popular girl in high school.”
Cara released a soft groan and pushed a couple of fingers against her temple. “My mom needs to let the past stay in the past. I’m not here to reunite with anyone. Girls or guys.”
“Not even Harvey?” Roman teased.
Cara dropped her hand. “Mom talked about him?”
“Not to me,” he said. “I heard her say something to Jana. I guess they’re friends?”
“Who knows, and who cares?” Cara narrowed her eyes.
Roman’s smile grew.
“I’m teasing you, but it’s fun to see that you’re not pining for your old flame.”
Cara pushed against his chest, and he caught her hand with a laugh.
“I’m not pining for Harvey,” she said, “and I’ll never be. I have no desire to see him, or really anyone else from high school.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’d be happy to skip tonight, but it’s Christmas, and it’s tradition.”
Roman still held her hand, and he curled his fingers over hers. The warmth between them increased about ten-fold. “Well, I’m glad we’re going together. Maybe I can ward off all unwelcome exes.”
“I’ll bet you could,” Cara said, her tone quieter now. “If that’s what you want to do?”
“I do.”
Her half-smile appeared.
“Am I leaning again?” he whispered.
Her nod was slow.
Could she hear his pounding heart? Could she feel it with her hand on his chest? He rested his free hand on the wall behind her, because he was definitely leaning. “Are you okay with that?”
She blinked up at him, not moving. “I think I am.”
They had no privacy even though they were currently the only ones in the hallway. As much as Roman was enjoying this moment, he knew it couldn’t last, and it couldn’t progress. He straightened, then released her hand, slowly.
Her breath escaped, and he wondered—no, he hoped—that she’d been just as affected as he’d been by touching her. “See you soon,” he whispered.
She nodded, not saying a word, and not moving as she watched him walk away. He headed to the bedroom he’d been assigned to.
“Breathe,” he whispered to himself as he closed the bedroom door. He was visiting the Prospers, and the entire family was witness to basically everything he said or did around Cara. He didn’t want to get ahead of himself and say or do something that wouldn’t hold water later on.