“What’s that?” Mia asked in a reluctant tone.
“We look for the alphabet on license plates on passing cars. The first one to find all the letters in order wins.”
Mia seemed intrigued by this. “What does the winner get?”
“The winner gets to pick the next game.”
“Do I get to play?” Roman asked.
The two females in the car shared a look. “Should we let him?” Cara asked.
“I guess,” Mia said.
Cara laughed. “All right, when you see a letter, call it out. That means no one else can use that same letter on the license plate. Eventually, we’ll all be looking for different letters when one person gets ahead.”
“A!” Mia called.
Cara whipped around to watch a passing car. “Yep, you got it. Good job, Mia.”
Roman had never thought that playing an alphabet game while driving could be so much fun. But he laughed more than he thought he ever would. It was a good release after a long week of filming, trying to keep the cast and crew in good holiday spirits, and heading off a handful of meltdowns with Mia.
Not to mention, his increasing interest in Cara Prosper.
As they turned off the main road and headed through the town of Prosper, Roman was impressed by the orderliness of the place, but he agreed, it was a very small town.
Mia leaned forward in her seat, her head between the both of them. “Is that the rodeo?”
“Sure is,” Cara said. “You’re really interested, aren’t you? Maybe I can get one of my brothers to show you a few things.”
Mia clapped her hands together. “Yes!”
Cara laughed, and Roman looked over at her. “You sure? Aren’t they on vacation, too?”
Cara smirked. “All I’d have to do is mention it to one of them, and my other brothers will jump in—they’re always competing with each other.”
“Ha. Okay.” Roman would be interested to see some rodeo stuff as well. To tell the truth, he was intrigued to meet guys like Cara’s brothers—real cowboys. And her dad, the mayor of an established western town with a lot of history.
Mia turned around in her seat to see the rodeo arena pass by them.
“Take the next right up there,” Cara said, her fingers tapping his arm.
He liked her casual touches. Yeah, it set his pulse racing, but he also liked how she was this comfortable around him. She didn’t seem to be in awe of him in the way that some people he met were. Oh, she’d said she was impressed with his career, but that was coming more from her brothers’ perspectives, since they’d watched his show.
Suddenly, he wanted her to watch something he’d had a hand in. He wanted to hear her opinions. “Hey, since I’m here in Prosper,” he said in a low voice to Cara, “seeing all your hometown haunts, maybe you can finally watch an episode of Frontier Town?”
Cara looked surprised, but then one of her beautiful smiles appeared. “It’s a deal.”
The road narrowed, and they drove past several ranches. When they reached a tree-lined lane, Cara said, “This is the driveway.”
Mia had scooted up again on the seat. “Wow, those trees are so green. Not like the gray Wyoming ones right now.”
“We do have warmer weather here,” Cara said.
A ranch house came into view. A few people stood on the large wraparound porch. Beyond was a wide driveway with a couple of trucks parked.
“Oh wow, it looks like my mom was tracking me. I forgot she can do that. Ready for this?” Cara said, glancing at Roman.
On impulse, he reached for her hand and squeezed. “Yep.”