He released Cara’s hand lightning fast because he didn’t want Mia to comment on it—which would bring too much attention to a friendly gesture.
By the time they climbed out of the car, it looked like the entire Prosper family had stepped onto the porch. Roman wasn’t expecting to remember everyone’s name, but it wasn’t as tricky as he thought since he’d heard things about each person.
After Cara hugged every single person, she introduced her parents, Rex and Heidi Prosper. Rex shook Roman’s hand, and Heidi stepped forward and hugged him.
“Sorry, I’m just happy you’re here with my Cara,” she said, stepping back from the hug. “Finally.”
“Mom, I was always coming,” Cara said.
Heidi grinned. She was a pretty blonde woman, partly an older version of Cara, though Cara also had some of her dad’s features.
“I’m Holt, and this is my wife Macie,” one of Cara’s brothers said.
“I’m Ruby!” a young girl with brunette pigtails announced. Her eyes widened when she saw Mia. “Did you get that Pillow Pet for Christmas?”
“Yes,” Mia said. “What did you get?”
The girls were soon chattering and running into the house.
“Stay here with me, Mia,” Roman called after her.
But Heidi cut in. “She’s fine to go inside, if that’s all right with you.”
Roman exhaled. “Yeah, it’s all right. My daughter can just be overenthusiastic sometimes, and I don’t want her infringing on your hospitality.”
“Oh, you’re a dear,” Heidi said. “And very thoughtful. Here in Prosper, we really mean it when we say our house is your house.”
“Well, thank you, Mrs. Prosper.”
The introductions continued, and Roman met Knox and Jana, then Evie and Carson, and finally Lane, who was home before one more semester of college. Soon, they all headed into the house, where there was a lunch buffet on the table. Roman helped Mia fill a plate, then he fixed his own.
The brothers asked him a bunch of questions about the current season being filmed, and Roman was only too happy to answer, keeping major spoilers to himself, but he was also aware of Cara’s every movement. Who she was talking with, when she was laughing, how she started Mia and Ruby on a kids’ board game.
“How long have you known my sister?” Knox asked, surprising Roman.
Hadn’t Cara told her family they’d just met?
“I went to her restaurant a few weeks ago and was impressed with her cooking,” Roman explained, hoping to sound completely casual. “So I invited her and an event planner to the ranch.”
The brothers’ gazes turned speculative.
“Your sister is very talented.”
Holt nodded, but Lane frowned. “I don’t get to sample her cooking much. We’re always missing each other with our schedules.”
That launched them into a conversation about Lane’s schooling in Arizona.
“Do any of you guys cook, too? Or is that a Cara thing?”
“Mom cooks the best, I’d say,” Knox said. “After Cara, of course. Our dad can make a decent breakfast, and he’s handy at barbequing.”
“I think I take after my dad,” Holt said.
The men laughed.
Knox shrugged. “I can make a handful of meals, but nothing fancy, that’s for sure. I’m on the road too much, and grocery shopping would waste a lot of food.”
Knox continued to talk about his latest rodeo tour, and Roman could have listened to his stories all day, but Rex interrupted.
“Now, don’t y’all hog Cara’s friend,” he said. “She wants to give him and Mia a tour of the place.”