When I wake up, and my eyes land on the watch against the wall, I realize I slept three hours. I dart up with a shock. Damn it! I only wanted to nap for an hour. I look for my phone to see why my alarm didn’t go off. When I can’t find it, I get off the bed to look under it.

“Sebastian has your phone.”

I swing around at the sound of Jaxson’s voice.

“What are you doing here?” I ask surprised.

Then a wave of happiness washes over me, and before I can compose myself, I run to him. My body slams into his, and I throw my arms around his neck. The second his wraps around me I feel a sense of calm wash over me.

“What did I do to deserve this welcome?” he asks as he presses his face into my neck and takes a deep breath.

I pull a little back, feeling embarrassed that I just threw myself at him.

“I was surprised,” I mumble, not ready to admit out loud that I’ve missed him.

He smiles at me and presses a kiss to my forehead.

“Yeah, I missed you too, Doc.”

I shake my head and smile, wondering when I’ll learn that I can’t hide anything from him. He sees right through me.

“I brought you a sandwich and coffee. I thought you could use it before you get back to work.”

He has our late lunch set up at a small table in the corner. As I take a seat, I can’t help but glance at him. He’s dressed in a dark grey suit. Every time I see him, he looks more gorgeous.

I moan into my cup as I take a deep breath of the aroma.

Jaxson clears his throat, pulling me out of my caffeine-induced coma.

When our eyes meet, I still. There’s so much heat sizzling in the look he’s giving me that I feel an intense fluttering of desire. I try to hide it by taking a bite of my sandwich.

“Thank you for this. When you live on cafeteria food, this tastes like a five-star meal.”

“You’re welcome, Doc.” We eat in a comfortable silence, stealing smiles and secret looks.

I constantly warn myself not to let things move too fast, but whenever I’m with Jaxson, time doesn’t seem to matter.

When we’re done eating, I quickly clear the table. Before we leave the lounge, Jaxson slips an arm around my waist. When he leans into me, my heart shoots off into a wild beat. He stops less than an inch from my mouth, and I feel a slither of frustration.

“Do you have plans for New Year’s Eve?”

“Just work. My shift starts at seven pm.”

“Will you spend the day with me?”

I nod and for the slightest moment, our lips touch. Jaxson grins as he pulls away. It’s the first time I’ve seen him grin in so long, and I’m not prepared for the impact of it. Then he bites his bottom lip, and I’m lost in a fog of lust.

Shit, that’s hot.

When I notice the teasing look in his eyes, I slap his shoulder.

“You did that on purpose.”

“Just a little payback for the heart attack you gave me the other night.”

“Oh, so we’re playing that game?” I smile mischievously.

He shrugs. “Give it your best shot, Doc.”