I lean into him and raise myself on my toes until I get to his ear. Sending a breath of hot air over his skin, I drop my hand to his hip. As I brush my lips down the length of his jaw, I move my hand down the front of his thigh, dangerously close to his cock.

I’ve never done something like this, but with Jaxson, it feels natural. I can’t explain what it is exactly, although I’ve spent many hours thinking about it.

When I feel his jaw clenching under my mouth, I pull back with a huge grin on my face.

“Thanks for lunch. I’ll see you later.” I slip out of the room and laugh as I hear him growl something about me being a cock tease.

Chapter 11


I follow Leigh out of the on-call room. When she leans over the counter at the nurses’ station, I can’t resist slapping her ass.

She gasps and looks at me with wide eyes, as a blush creeps up her face. I wink at her which only makes the blush deepen.

I’m on my way to check on Marcus. When I got here, they got him settled. I went in search of Leigh, and if it weren’t for Sebastian, I never would’ve found her. I never knew how satisfying it could be to watch someone sleep.

I press the button to call for an elevator and glance over my shoulder. I smile as I watch Leigh shrug on her white coat, while talking to another doctor.


elevator pings and the doors start to open. I step out of the way so the medical staff can exit.

A commotion behind me has me glancing back at the nurses’ station. Sebastian’s face turns red, and he’s grabbing at his throat.

I run back to them as Leigh moves in behind Sebastian, wrapping her arms around him. She’s so much smaller and not strong enough to give him the Heimlich. Suddenly a chewed-up pen cap shoots from his mouth and lands close to my feet.

Leigh rubs his back, checking to see if he’s okay, while I stand with my mouth hanging open.

Guess I was wrong. My girl knows how to handle herself.

Tears spill from Sebastian’s eyes, and it’s clear that he’s upset from choking.

“You don’t have to be so dramatic,” a man snaps at Sebastian. “Get back to work.”

“Dr. Langley,” Leigh gasps, “That’s unprofessional behavior.”

The doctor glares at Leigh and takes a step towards her. He gives her a condescending look, which has my heart pumping with anger.

I step forward, positioning myself behind Leigh and next to Sebastian. I glare at the man, daring him to try anything.

“If Mr. Ward can’t do his work, he shouldn’t be here,” the man sneers, clearly not recognizing danger when it’s right in front of him.

I take hold of Leigh’s shoulders and move her to the side, so I can step right up to the doctor.

It’s clear this guy has a personal issue with Sebastian because he’s gay.

“My friend just choked and you’re being rude. You owe him an apology.” The doctor frowns darkly at me and I love the fact that he has to look up at me. “Your methods of intimidation don’t quite have the same effect when the person you’re facing is twice your size. How about that apology?” I growl, giving him a final look of warning that he’s about to meet my fist.

He directs the glare at Sebastian. “I apologize,” he bites the words out.

“Mr. Ward,” I whisper darkly. “I apologize, Mr. Ward.”

The doctor rambles the apology off and rushes away from us. I hate bullies. If that had happened on my turf, they would’ve carried him away on a stretcher.

“My hero,” Sebastian shrieks behind me and grabs me in a hug.

I’m stunned for a moment, but when he starts to cry, I hug him back. He’s a head shorter than me, and I can clearly see the weird looks from the other people standing around the nurses’ station.