“Take a seat.” When they’re all sitting, I smile. “I’ve asked Mia to marry me.”

“Fuck,” Rhett says, and he’s the first to get up. He hugs me tightly, and I think he’s trying to see if he can crack a rib in the process. “You’re going to be my fucking brother. I couldn’t have chosen a better man for my sister.”

“Aww … Fuck,” Marcus mumbles, wiping tears away from under his eyes. “You’re all turning me into a pussy.”

I walk to him, so he doesn’t have to get up. I know Carter and Rhett suspect something, but Marcus hasn’t told them yet.

I shake Marcus’ hand and say, “You better be at my wedding.”

He just nods, and I avoid the questioning looks from Carter and Rhett.

Carter shakes my hand as well. “It’s about time the two of you make it official.”

Jax gets up, and he looks away for a second before he says, “You deserve this, Logan.” I shake my head, and he repeats, “You fucking deserve, Mia. You’re worthy of her love. If anyone deserves to find happiness with Mia, it’s you.”

I nod, knowing that he’ll keep saying it until I agree.

“I have two favors to ask of you all,” I say, clearing my throat. “I need you to help me pick a ring that’s perfect for my fiancé.” I smile as they holler. “I also want all of you standing up front when she comes walking down that aisle. Well, besides Rhett.”

He scowls at me, and I let him suffer for a second.

“You’ll be walking her down that aisle so you can give her away.”

“Fuck, this is emotional,” Marcus says with a hoarse voice. “I think my balls just retracted and I’m growing a pussy.”

We all laugh, and I’m in awe of Marcus being able to still joke and make us laugh.

Minutes later, the laughter is gone. The moment Mr. Specter lays out the rings he brought with, they all start to argue over which ring I should take. This is what I wanted for them. I look to the hidden camera and wink. If we can’t save Marcus, then I’ll get as many memories of him on camera as possible.


“I really like this ring,” Carter says, twirling the small circle of platinum between his fingers. He looks up at me, and the smile says it all. “This is her ring.”

I nod, knowing he means Della. “It was made for her.”

“For who?” Rhett asks, catching the end of the conversation.

Carter holds out the ring to him. “What do you think? Is it Della?”

“Are you serious or yanking my chain? Usually, I can tell.”

“I’m serious,” Carter laughs. “It’s time I make an honest woman out of her.”

“You got that right,” Rhett jokes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marcus talking with Mr. Specter.

Hell, even Rhett and Jax are looking at rings, and they aren’t in relationships. I get a feeling that soon the screw crew will be renamed, devoted dudes. I’ll leave the renaming to Marcus, though. It’s clear I suck at it.

I finally decide on a ring and ask Mr. Specter to add an engraving to it for me.

Now I just need to plan the perfect way to give Mia my ring.

Chapter 17


Logan and I have decided it’s better if I just move in with him. I’ve been spending most of my time at his place but making sure that I visit Marcus at least once a week.