“I can’t lose him, Logan.” His voice is raw with pain.

I wish I could promise him that we’ll find a way to save Marcus, but I can’t do that to him. False hope will only hurt him more.

“Let’s go see him,” I say. When we walk out of the office, we run into Della. “Jax is puking his guts out. I’m taking him home. Will you keep an eye on the office?”

“Sure. Make sure he gets lots of fluids,” she says, giving Jax a concerned look. “I hope you feel better soon.”

“Thanks,” he rasps.

I manage to get him out of the office, without drawing any more attention to us. We take my car, because I don’t think he’s in any condition to drive.

When we get to Marcus’ apartment, I’m surprised when Willow opens the door. She looks like she hasn’t slept.

“Hey, guys,” she whispers. “He’s been sleeping a lot.”

“I just need to see him,” Jax says. “I won’t wake him.”

She nods, letting us in. I follow Jax to the bedroom, but stand back, as he goes to the side of the bed. He looks down at Marcus. Jax takes deep breaths, but it doesn’t help. His body starts to jerk with silent sobs, as he takes in the fragile state Marcus has somehow managed to hide from us.

“Dude, you better not be crying,” Marcus says, without opening his eyes.

“Fuck you,” Jax rasps.

At first, Marcus must think that Jax is joking until he opens his eyes.

“Fuck you, Marcus Reed. How dare you fucking hide this from me? How dare you fucking give up?”

I watch as the meager strength leaves Marcus. I didn’t realize how much it took out of him to pretend he was fine.

Jax sits down on the bed, and it’s painful to watch his strong arms wrap around Marcus’ frail frame.

He starts to rock Marcus, whispering, “I’m going to find you a heart. I promise you, I’ll find you a heart.”

Marcus shakes his head, too emotional to say anything.

“I won’t give up. There’s no way I’m going to your funeral. I’m not going to be that fucked up friend who has a beer on Fridays with a fucking grave.”

I press my palms to my eyes, fighting to not break down.

I leave the room so I can compose myself.

“How are you holding up?” I ask Willow, where she’s standing by the window.

“The man I love is dying,” she whispers hauntingly.

I go stand next to her and place my hand on her back, trying to give her some sort of comfort.

“I’ve been talking to Leigh. Her father is huge in the medicine industry. I’m hoping Mr. Baxter can somehow help.”

I know there was a time we all thought Jax and Leigh would end up together. I’m not sure what went wrong between them, but I’m thankful that she’s willing to try and help Marcus.


After everything that’s happened the last few weeks, I think we all need a breather. I’ve called all the guys up to my office. Marcus has been doing a little better since Willow moved in with him. It’s as if he has more fight, maybe because he now has a reason to live.

As they all come in, they give me a weird look. They must be wondering who the man is that’s sitting at my desk.

“Thanks for coming guys, this is Mr. Specter,” I introduce everyone to him, as well.