“All right, spill.” Drake slams his door shut and looks at me in amusement. I don’t date, but when Drake is living the single life, he makes his way through women at a speed that would put Casanova to shame.

Still, he isn’t a dick. He’s not the type of guy to sit around talking about his women like they’re nothing but conquests, so I know he isn’t asking me for the dirty details. But what do I want to say about last night? I can pretend nothing happened, but I’m not a liar. However, I’m also not in the mood for the gossip session that Drake seems so eager for.

“I could say the same to you,” I return, attempting to buy myself more time. He shrugs.

“Olivia’s great. She’s gorgeous—obviously—and fun, but it’s not going anywhere.” He pauses. “Besides, Rachel called me.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Last night?”

“Last night.”

I groan. Rachel is Drake’s on-again, off-again girlfriend. Needy, money hungry, and vain, that’s Rachel. She sunk her venomous claws into Drake two years ago, and he’s spent most of it half-heartedly trying to shake himself loose.

It’s not my place to tell him he’s an idiot, but... he’s an idiot.

“Listen, Edward—” I begin, pulling out of the parking lot and heading toward the highway.

“Are you fucking kidding me, man? That’s how you want to play this shit?”

I chuckle. Edward is Drake’s first name. He started going by his last name about the time that Twilight made it big, and he got sick of being compared to a sparkly vampire, his pretty-boy looks not helping. I keep that one in my back pocket for whenever I really want to get under his skin.

“Shit or get off the pot, man.”

He scoffs. “That’s a disgusting analogy, Chase.”

“Ha! After the crap that comes out of your mouth half the time?”

“Right. So back to Addison.”

I roll my hand along the back of my neck, but it does nothing to ease the tension there.

“Addison and I are.. . enjoying each other’s company while we’re here. We didn’t share many personal details, and I don’t intend to.” I give him a pointed look. “Also, I invited them over for dinner tonight. Think you wanna grill up some steaks?”

He wiggles his eyebrows and chuckles. “All right, man, let’s get you laid!”