“Ugh, I feel like I’m going to burst.” I groan, rubbing my full belly over my wrinkled sundress. Thankfully, I didn’t opt for jeans this morning. I’m sure having to undo the button right here at the table would earn me a few dirty looks from the other diners.

Honestly, it was more laziness than anything else. After copious amounts of alcohol—and orgasms—last night, I was lacking the energy to drag myself out of bed this morning.

I had Olivia throw me the first thing she found in my bag, wiggling into it without even bothering to leave my fluffy nest of Chase-scented blankets and pillows.

With a grumbling belly and a bladder on the verge of bursting, I finally rolled out of bed, tucking my body into blanket sushi and turning until I fell to the floor. I regretted it the minute my ass hit the hard stone. At least I had managed to get out of bed dry this time.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and hid behind a pair of dark sunglasses until I felt a little more human.

I’m still not there yet.

Drake had given Olivia the deets for the “best brunch in Colorado.” Nothing can get me moving faster than the promise of carbs and mimosas, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. The Snowcap Resort was expensive and delicious and the perfect way to start our day, even if it was already pushing noon.

“K, I need a nap,” I say, trailing my last bite of pancake through the stream of syrup swimming on my plate and plopping it into my mouth.

Olivia sighs dramatically, pointing a long manicured finger my way. “Take note, this is what happens when you stay up all night having hot sex with your hunky neighbor. You overdose on pancakes and want to sleep the day away.”

“Do I detect jealousy in your voice? I mean, seriously, you had a hunky neighbor at your disposal too.”

“We can’t all be dirty sluts, Addi.” She sniffs. I stick my tongue out at her but remain silent. Despite her lighthearted banter, the usual spark in her eyes is missing, which I can only assume is the result of last night’s events. I give her a pointed look that she correctly translates into ‘Give me all the details.’

“Honestly, things were going great until he got a text from his girlfriend—or ex-girlfriend, or whatever the hell she is—but at least he was honest about her and their complicated relationship. I don’t think there are many other guys out there who would have been.”

“Girlfriend?” I ask, eyebrows raised.

She shrugs, downing the rest of her Moscow mule mimosa.

“Yep. Rachel. They’ve been off-and-on for the past couple of years. They hit the off switch a few days ago, but apparently, she was lonely last night,” she says with an eye roll.

“Bitter doesn’t look good on you.” I laugh when she wrinkles her nose at me.

“Anyway, I just feel like an idiot.”

“Because he has a maybe-girlfriend? Babe, you didn’t know.”

“I know, I know. But he seemed like such a nice guy and he really hooked me in.”

“Hmm. I get where you’re coming from, but you make it sound like they’re currently off, in which case, it’s not like he did anything wrong by flirting the night away with you.”

“That’s a good point. Gosh, Addi, you should have seen him. He kept going on and on about his niece. I mean, he carries pictures of her in his wallet and everything. Like, multiple pictures of her over the years. He adores her.”

“That’s sweet.”

“Yeah, it really is. But, like I said—kinda-girlfriend. Besides, men that delicious are built for sin, not stability.”

“Can we just agree that sexy Colorado boys and tequila might not be the best mix for us relationship-challenged girls?”

“I’m sorry, are you seriously comparing your night of wild fucking to my night of pathetically flirting with a man who might have a girlfriend?” Olivia’s hands fly in the air.

I snort, catching sight of our server heading our way with our check. I pull out my debit card and hand it to the server before she scurries away.

I direct my gaze back to my breakfast companion, matching her smile. “In all seriousness, I know you like him. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you look at anything other than shoes the same way you were looking at him at the bar. If you decide you want to skip dinner tonight, I’d be more than happy to stay in and have a movie and wine night. I don’t want you spending the evening with him if you’re not comfortable. Plus, I saw a copy of Legends of the Fall back at the cabin. I’m a sucker for a young Brad Pitt.”

“First of all,” she says, pointing a single finger up in the air. “Brad has been canceled since he cheated on my girl, Jenny. Where have you been? And second, there’s no way I’m letting you turn down a night with your new boy toy. You said we’d have dinner with them, so we’ll be there. Anyway, now that you’re single, we’ll have plenty of time for movie nights—sans Brad, thank you very much. You know, after you’ve gotten all this rebound sex out of your system.”

“Okay then, it’s settled,” I say, pushing to my feet. “Now, about that nap.”