“This again. He didn’t eat you, did he?”

“Eat me? You said he couldn’t hurt me!”

His laugh is short and gruff. “He couldn’t. Not seriously, anyway.”

“It would have been nice to be treated like a princess, is all,” I say. “Olivia got the royal treatment.”

His shakes his head, a small smirk playing on his lips. “I’m no Prince Charming, Addison.”

“Maybe not, but you’re also not as much of a Beast as you think you are.”

He doesn’t reply, and after a few seconds tick by, he leans down to kiss my nose before turning and walking away.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

How could a kiss on the nose be so hot?

I have to take a few seconds to pull myself together. I’m torn between running for cover to the truck or tackling him to the hard ground and ripping his shirt off, but before I can make a choice either way, he yells out, “Let’s go, woman!”

When he suggested leaving the bar, I thought maybe he’d take me back to the cabins, pour us some wine, and eventually, worship my body until the sun came up. A girl could dream.

Maybe we wouldn’t have even made it that far. Maybe he would have found me completely irresistible and began ripping my clothes off in the back of his truck. Out of all the possibilities that had entered my mind, none of them involved fishing poles and a rickety old dock.

The space is lit by the truck lights, perfectly illuminating the planes of his strong jaw. His muscles bunch and pull under his shirt, and his ass in those tight jeans is enough to make me drool, which of course, I don’t, because I’m a lady.

“Have you ever been fishing?” he asks, baiting the hook with a bright neon rubber worm.

“Can’t say that I have, but I’m sure I’ll be a natural.” I shrug, pretending like I’m not completely out of my depth. The amusement in his eyes as he looks up at me goes straight to my heart.

After handing me the pole, he comes up behind me, placing one large palm on my left hip and one on top of my right hand, over the handle. Even through his heavy sweatshirt, I can feel the warmth of his body spreading throughout mine.

Being in his arms is comforting. His entire presence makes me feel safe and cared for, which is odd considering I barely know him. In fact, I don’t know him—though I tell myself that doesn’t matter. I know his name and that he likes to fish and that he has a body that any woman would be lucky to get a glimpse of. I know that he gives me butterflies in my lady parts, a feeling I haven’t had in quite some time, and that his nose kiss from a few minutes ago has my panties wetter than the Hoover Dam. And maybe that’s enough.

Closing my eyes, my body sways back into him as I rest my head on his broad shoulder. I’ve never been a flirty person, but after years of feeling as though I’ve had to hold back in all areas of my life, it feels good to let go for a change. There’s a freedom in acting without thinking, a feeling I could really get used to.

The grip on my hip tightens as Chase leans down and buries his nose in my hair. His deep moan is enough to make me want to beg him to take me back to the cabin right now.

Like, do not pass go, do not collect $200, now.

He trails his nose from the top of my ear all the way down to the bottom, giving the lobe a gentle nip. Now it’s my turn to moan. As soon as it’s out of my mouth, he’s pulling away. I want to stomp my foot and demand he continue his exploration, but I settle for pouting instead.

“I know you’re just distracting me to get out of fishing. It’s not going to work.”

I give him a look of offense. “I’ll have you know that this is a life-long dream of mine. In fact, that’s why I came to Colorado, to learn to fish. I literally woke up this morning saying ‘Today is the day, Addison. Your dreams are finally coming true.’”

“Jesus, you really are clingy. You’ve known me all but an hour and you’re already declaring me the man of your dreams.”

“Way to manipulate my words to make yourself feel better about the fact that I’m only here for the fishing,” I volley back.

“I guess we should get back to it, then.” He looks back toward the pond.

I stick my tongue out at him but watch closely as he shows me how to cast. He doesn’t throw the line too far out in front of us, since the sun has already set and the lights of the truck only reach half of the pond. After a few times of us doing it together, he tells me it’s time to do it on my own. When he pulls away, I immediately miss the feel of him behind me.

Feeling smug that I’m about to wow him with my skills, I wind my arm out to the side and fling it forward with force, counting my movements and letting go of the push button just like he taught me to.

Only I lose my grip on the entire rod, and we both watch in horror as it lands with a splash and disappears into the depths of the water.