Nope, stop it!

I drop my forehead into my palm and sigh. What the hell is wrong with me? The last thing I need is some random entanglement. It’s been just a matter of days since ending things with Ethan, and moving on so quickly would be pretty damn tacky. Right?

At the same time, don’t I deserve to have a little fun? I might not have everything figured out, but I am single, which is all that really matters. Would it be such a bad thing to enjoy myself and see where the evening takes us? Would it be so terrible to let loose and have fun? I laugh quietly to myself. I’m sitting here assuming that the man who stared daggers into me just yesterday has that same level of attraction for me.

Sighing, I pull out my phone and see I have a text back from Olivia.

Olivia: Okay, babe. Have fun! Do everything I would do!!

That doesn’t leave much out.

Chase suddenly reappears holding a giant duffle bag, two pillows, and a big flashlight. I give him a curious look as he loads up the back seat and starts the truck. He follows the large round gravel driveway that connects all the cabins and heads back out to the main road. Instead of going down the mountain that leads into town, he goes up.

“So,” he draws out. “I’ve never been to Los Angeles, but I’m betting it’s a hell of a lot different than the mountains.”

“Oh yeah. Don’t get me wrong, LA has its moments. I love living there—love the beach and the sunshine—but it’s definitely gorgeous here. Peaceful and quiet. Our first night here, I was so exhausted from the flight that I slept hard. But I tossed and turned last night because it was so quiet.”

“I can see how it’s an adjustment.”

“Do you live close?” I ask as he pulls off the road and through an open gate.

“About two hours south. Gamble Springs. Lived there my whole life.”

My eyes land on a big pond in front of us, illuminated by the truck’s headlights. We can’t be too far from the cabins, because we haven’t been driving for long.

“Are we going skinny dipping?” I joke.

Okay, half joke. I’m not sure what kind of creatures are lurking in that thing, but I’m willing to risk being gobbled up by the loch ness monster if it means getting Chase out of those clothes.

Rather than answer, he hops out of his truck. He makes his way over to my door, opening it and offering me a hand. He’s still silent as he opens the back door and begins pulling stuff out. Soon, he’s throwing me a black hoodie with a gruff, “Put this on.”

I don’t hesitate for a moment.

“Sir, yes, sir.” I throw it over my head so fast I manage to get my head through the wrong hole. Realizing my giant melon will not, in fact, fit through the arm hole, I toss it off and try again.

When I finally get everything situated, I moan out loud at how damn soft and cozy the big sweatshirt is. Better than that, it smells just like him.

“You know you’re not getting this back, right?” I ask. He doesn’t reply but eyes me questioningly. “Yep, that’s the rule. Once you let a girl wear your hoodie, it’s hers to keep.”

“Huh, that’s funny. The other women who’ve worn it had no trouble giving it back.” I send him an icy glare. The twinkle in his eyes tells me he’s teasing me, but I rise to the bait all the same.

“Already getting clingy, Addison?” He cocks one sexy eyebrow at me in challenge.

“I just think it’s rude to discuss other girls when you’re on a date with another one.” I tip my nose up, feigning disdain.

“Oh, so this is a date, huh?” He gets to work rolling up the sleeves that are draping over my hands and hanging down to my knees.

I give a cheesy eyebrow wiggle, and he laughs, grabbing the neck of the hoodie with two fingers and gently yanking me toward him. His knuckles graze along my throat, his face dangerously close to mine. His lips are right there, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t look away from them.

I’ve never seen such a plump lower lip on a man. It’s pink and soft, and I can’t help but imagine how it would feel locked between my teeth. “Already getting clingy, Chase?” I whisper.

“You’ve got a smart mouth.” His grip is still tight, so when I swallow, my throat constricts against his fingers. Despite the warm hoodie, shivers run through my body.

“Thank you.” I take a deep breath, which is shakier than I’d like to admit. My mind spirals to fill the silence rather than appreciate the way his closeness is making me feel. “So, do I need worry about a bunch of little Freddies out here?”

“I said I’d save you.”

I cock my head at him. “Oh, like you did at the cabin?”