“Did you see that form?” she squeals in excitement, her face lit up by the night sky. Joy and pride are etched along her features. This woman just threw my favorite fishing rod into the pond, and she’s acting like she hit a grand slam.

I shouldn’t be surprised that she would find this amusing. From the moment we left the bar, she’s been witty and outrageous and so damn beautiful that I can barely even think straight. It takes a lot for me to hold back my grin as I feign outrage.

“Yeah, if I knew I was out with A-Rod, I might have reconsidered handing over my favorite pole.”

She gasps and narrows her eyes at me. “It was not . . .”

“Well, sure it was.” I cross my arms over my chest and turn my whole body to face her. “My grandpa Hubert gave it to me when I was a boy. He taught me how to fish on that thing.”

She mimics my movements, shooting me a look of defiance. “Don’t you play that game with me. That fishing pole is for a grown man, not a little boy.”

I shrug, dropping my arms. “Fair enough. It was my favorite pole, though.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a new one.” The smile she aims at me is so radiant that I swear her eyes turn a shade lighter. She looks like an angel—sweet, innocent, magnetic.

“Okay, so now that the first part of our date is ruined—thanks for that, by the way—let’s move on.” I gather our items as Addison nearly skips back to the truck.

She looks damn cute running around in my hoodie. She might have been joking earlier, but I would be perfectly happy never getting that thing back if it meant I could sit around imagining her wearing it months from now.

After getting settled into the truck, I drive the few minutes it takes to get to the top of the mountain and park the truck by the old metal shed that houses our landscaping equipment. I open the back door and pull out my big duffle, catching Addison’s eager eyes with mine.

“Is this where you bring out the whips and chains?” she asks. My eyebrows climb up my face and my cheeks heat—partly in embarrassment, but admittedly, also in desire. I’m not really into rough sex, but any thought that contains a naked Addison is enough to get my mind reeling.

“Nope, this is where I bring out my shovel and duct tape.” I muster up my most sinister look, earning a grimace from her.

“Do you need a bathroom? You look constipated.”

I don’t even attempt to hold back my laughter. “You’re ridiculous. Let’s go.”

I head toward the back of the truck and pull down the tailgate before throwing my bag onto the bed. Then I slip two fingers into the front pockets of her jeans and pull her flush against me. A small gasp leaves her lips, which brings a smile to mine.

“You’re beautiful,” I whisper, sliding my hands to the side of her hips. My fingertips dip into the band of her jeans, grazing her soft skin as her hands wrap around my back.

“And you’re a charmer,” she whispers back. “Well, sometimes.”

I lean down to rest my forehead against hers, enjoying the feel of her in my arms, her thighs pressed against my own.

“Well, I’m glad you sometimes think so.” I bend my knees and slide my hands down to the top of her thighs, lifting her quickly into the air.

I’m not even sure how I manage to stay upright, since all the blood rushes straight to my dick. I pull her up a little higher in the air, not wanting her to feel my reaction. If my cock connects to any part of her, I’m liable to throw her down to the ground and ravish her.

She rubs her fingers in strong circles over my shoulders, pushing deep into the flexed muscles. I bite out a groan, closing my eyes and lowering her down to sit on the tailgate.

Reluctantly, I pull away, jumping up beside her and trying my best to hide the semi I’m now sporting. Keeping myself busy, I grab the duffle and pull out two large comforters before spreading them out over the truck bed. I place our pillows at the top, then turn to meet her gaze.

“Madame.” I motion to the makeshift bed. Her grin spreads across her face as she lies down and snuggles in between the cozy layers. Once she’s settled, I lie beside her, looking up into the night sky. The moon is full and bright, the stars sparkling around it.

“Wow. There’s nothing between us and the sky.” She lets a deep breath out. “How did you know about this place?”

I smile. “My family owns it.”

She turns to me questioningly, and I take the opportunity to wiggle my arm under her blanket and lace my fingers with hers. Her hand is small and soft in my own, her presence beside me comforting.

“This land is all my father’s.”

She hums and snuggles closer into my arm. Her head is resting against my shoulder, and the sweet scent of her shampoo goes straight to my dick. It’s been too long since I’ve held a woman in my arms like this, especially one as all-encompassing as Addison.