Page 48 of Falls County


“Tell me you didn’t have sex with him?” Gracey pinned me with that look. My lack of reply spurred her on. “Kaci! You’re such a slut! Was it the same as it always been? Better?”

“Better.” I smiled toying with the stem of my wine glass.

“You all the tears right?”

Putting my hand up I stopped her. “Yeah trust me. But I love him. Sooo much it hurts. I don’t know what to do.” I finished my glass of wine.

“And you remember what Jenn said?”

“Yeah. I don’t know what it is but I’ve always trusted him just not other girls. Girls are sneaky little bitches.”

“True that.” Gracey refilled our glasses. “Just promise me something okay?”


“Don’t rush it this time. Maybe play hard to get. Make him know that you have other hitters.”

“I kinda already am. I told him I wasn’t going anywhere. And I’m so easy to get when it comes to Luke. I don’t have any other hitters. What if I lose him again?” Pain sliced through my chest even thinking it. “Besides, I came back for him.”

“You won’t lose him. He worships the ground you walk on.”

As if on queue my phone pinged with a text from Luke.

Hey there

Gracey plucked the phone out of my hands. “Don’t you dare respond. Let him wait.”

Groaning I pressed the glass to my lips. “That’s the thing, I don’t want to not respond. I don’t want to play hard to get. This has all been hard enough. I needed him by my side.”

“I know.”

“I need to ask him why he didn’t come but I don’t know that I’m ready for that answer.”

“I know.” Gracey and my parents were the only ones who seemed to be there for me. The rest of my extended family damn sure wasn’t. And Luke wasn’t.

We continued to chat and drink out on my patio. I could hear Luke’s pickup before I saw it. Just when we thought he was slowing down to turn in, he didn’t. Instead he honked and waved.

Luke texted three more times until I finally replied. I felt like such a bitch. But Gracey was right, we couldn’t rush it. Not this time. There was too much at stake.

Do you want to hang out tonight?

Don’t rush it this time.Her words rang in my ears.

Not tonight I’m just gonna go to bed. Night

Goodnight Kaci

Five Years Ago

The wind whipped through my hair as Luke and I rode horses moving cows to the next field. This one was an easy move. The field they were on was only a mile away from the one we were moving them to. I loved that he let me help him with this kind of stuff. Pushing the cows closer I took the lead riding faster to the gate.

Once I got to the field I opened the gate while Luke stayed behind pushing the cows forward. The Winters in Falls County were usually brutal. The crisp air blistered my cheeks as the wind whipped and whistled.

Daisy began to stomp back and fourth pinning my leg against the corral panel. I pulled at the reins hard getting her to side step to the left, freeing my leg. A gust of wind howled slamming the gate. She spooked at the sound and reared back.

The reins slipped from my hands. I felt the pain before I realized what was happening. The crack of my back on the corral panel was deafening. It was all in slow motion. My head soon banged on one of the rungs before I was met with dirt and corn stalks.