Page 47 of Falls County

“Is that so?” She peeked at me before pulling out of the parking lot.

“Yes it is.”

“Then how’s come when I asked you to stay home with me tonight you went to the bar instead?” She was so pissed. I didn’t have a good reason. I don’t like coming straight home after work. I’m always pissed off and I don’t want to say something to her that I’ll later regret.

“Drake wanted to me come out. Celebrate us getting engaged.” I took my hat off and swept a hand through my hair.

“Haven’t you and Drake celebrated almost every night since?”

“Yeah I guess we have.” We were still young and besides there was nothing better to do in this small town. “I’m just so excited to finally marry you.”

“You’d think you’d want to spend time with me then.” She mumbled under her breath.

Pretending that I didn’t hear her I asked. “What?”


We drove the rest of the way in silence. My mind was racing the alcohol going straight to my brain. Once we got to the house I stripped my clothes in the living room heading for a shower.

“You coming?” I reached my hand out.

“I already showered while you were gone.” Kaci pouted on the couch. Scooping her up I carried her over my shoulder to the bathroom. “Luke!”

Depositing her on the counter I stripped her shirt off. “What are you doing?”

I trailed kisses along her neck down to her breasts. Palming one in my hand I made my way back up to her lips. “Don’t make me shower alone baby.” Her breath hitched. “I’m sorry for tonight please don’t be mad at me.” I continued to suck and nip at her lips.

“You’re not forgiven that easily.” Kaci palmed my erection.

Hissing I whispered, “How can I make it up to you?”

She began to rub her thumb on the tip nearly killing me. “Lots.” She nipped at my neck. “And lots.” Her free hand ran up and down my stomach until it snaked around the back of my neck. Pulling me close she continued whispering. “Of orgasms.”

Licking my lips, I pushed her shorts down her legs. “Your wish is my command.”

Present Day

Picking my hat up I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I drove the same route Kaci and I always would back in the day. As I wound the road by my parents to head to the gates my phone pinged. It was a text from Drake. My best friend since birth.

Drake and his dad owned a small operation south of town. Since they didn’t have much land he had more time to fuck off. They had no hopes of getting any bigger and that’s all I could dream of.

Owning more land and building Kaci her dream house. She always came back into the picture when I thought of the future. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I wanted her to see me as someone worthy of her love.

Passing the Gates, I made my way to the Old Carlson Place. Well Kaci’s place now. As I pulled in the driveway I noticed she sat on her front porch with a blanket wrapped around her mug in hand. Her nose was red no doubt from crying.

Getting up from her chair she met me in the driveway. I rolled my window down waving her over.

“What’s up?” She tried to make is sound like she hadn’t been crying. I hated hurting her. I also hated being hurt.

“Get in.” Kaci rounded the front of the pickup plopping in the passenger seat blanket and all. “Are you doing the same thing with Kyle that you’re doing with me?”

“What? Not even close.” Her face was disgusted. “He won’t leave me alone.”


Holding a hand up I stopped her from saying whatever she was going to say. “Were going on a drive like we always used to and were not stopping until we both remember why we started dating.” I placed my hand on her thigh.

“I like that idea.” She covered my hand with hers.