Page 37 of Falls County

There was a new bar tender tonight and she proceeded to take my keys when I tried to leave. Fuck. Fuck Luke. Fuck him. He was the whole reason I was alone at the bar tonight.

Pushing up from my chair I burst outside. Feelings of rage and sadness overtook me. Why did he have to be such an asshole? But at the same time a damn teddy bear. He was hurting just like I was. Or so I hopped he was.

I grabbed my phone pressing on his name. He picked up on the second ring.

“Hey.” His voice had that twang to it I loved so much.

“Where are you at?” My words slurred a little more than I wanted.

“I’m heading home from the field. Are you drunk?”

“Yeah that lady stole my keys.” I sat on the sidewalk suddenly beat. “Not Kim. The new weird one.”

“Dammit Kac I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

“No I don’t want your help. You didn’t tell me you’d be working this late and you were an ass earlier today so no. Fuck you!” I yelled into the phone.

“So what you’re gonna walk home then?” Smartass.


“You know when I say maybe I’m flirting with you right?” I tore at the strings hanging off my jeans.

“No.” My voice was a whisper.

“I’ll see you in a few okay?”


The phone went silent. I sat there looking at the picture that was still his contact in my phone. Him and I after they had won the state championship football game seven years ago. We weren’t looking at the camera. He had me suspended in the air above him, my hands on his shoulders. You could see just how happy we were.

I missed him.