Page 38 of Falls County


My pickup rumbled in front of the bar as I got out leaving it running. Kaci was sitting there on the sidewalk staring at her phone. It wasn’t until I crouched down in front of her did she seem to notice I was there.

“Whatcha looking at?”

“Us.” She glanced up at me, a sad smile on her face. Flipping the phone around I took the picture in. That was a great day. I hurt like hell the next morning but it was worth it, on the field for the game and after the game when we parked by Snake River.

Those memories and old feelings came flooding back to me like a wave. Shoving them down I looked at this woman. “Let’s get you home.”

“Can I stay with you tonight?” Fuck. Yes, please.

“How about you can stay with me when you’re sober okay?”

“You promise me?” Kaci gave me those damn puppy dog eyes she knew I couldn’t resist.


I held out my hand to help her up but instead she lifted up both her arms. She knew exactly what she was doing. Every time she wanted to be held this is what she did to me. I was already getting to close. My guard was down around her when it should be up. I needed to find out what she wanted with me this time around but I wasn’t ready to ask her just yet. For now, I would enjoy this time I had with her while I could. Because fuck if I didn’t miss her like crazy everyday.

Slipping my arms under hers I scooped her up off the sidewalk. Her legs wrapped around my waist and she buried her head in the crock of my neck. Desire for her shot through me. I willed myself to push those thoughts aside. She didn’t need me getting all excited carrying her to my pickup.

Dropping her in the passenger seat Kaci’s arms stayed snaked around my neck. “Luke?”

“Yeah?” My eyes traced to hers.

“You really loved me huh?” More like love as in present day, right now. So much it hurts.

“Yes.” I licked my lips and watched as she traced the movement with her eyes.

“Kiss me.” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Was this woman trying to kill me?

My lips dropped to her forehead. “I will baby. Soon enough.” I didn’t want her to regret a second with me. And I damn sure wanted her to remember it when we did reunite in that way. Would she even remember any of this in the morning?

Climbing into the driver seat I put it in gear and started heading towards her house. Kaci’s hand found mine the way it always used to when we would drive around together. She turned in her seat staring right at me, tucking her feet up under her butt.

“What?” I stole a glance at her.

“Nothing.” Her smile was infectious.

“No what? I can tell you have something on your mind.”

“I’m just enjoying looking at you.” Her finger traced down my beard. I didn’t respond. I couldn’t.

She was in everyway still the exact same. Except maybe a little more blunt now. All I could think about was walking her inside and hovering over her like I had a million times in this very house. The way my name would escape her lips almost like a breath. But I couldn’t, not yet. Not with her drunk. I took the turn that her house was on the end of and she sighed.

“Big sigh.”

“Were almost there.” Her fingers traced up and down my arm and our intertwined hands.

“I suppose we are.”

“Are you gonna walk me inside?” She was slowly killing me and she didn’t even know it.

“How’s about I walk you to the door?”

“Luke!” She pouted pushing herself away from me crossing her arms.

“Kaci I can’t. You know exactly what will happen if I walk you inside.”