The air is so thick with tension I can barely breathe. Or maybe it’s fear choking me. The minute the door opened up and those three…men walked in, the atmosphere changed. For more than one reason. Every person in the bar went on alert. More worrisome than that, at least two of the men are Fae. High Fae.

I don’t know if the others know or if they can tell like I can. It’s possible that because I grew up in Fairy, I know more about my magic than they do. Ruby has yet to talk about her magic with me and I haven’t seen her use any. Lena is really the only one out of their group who I’ve seen use any power at all.

I can’t see auras like the Spring Court Fae can, but I can sense when magic is in use. It permeates the air, creating a waver that’s similar to how fire makes the air around it bend and wobble. High Fae, like the two in front of me are always surrounded by magic, even when they aren’t directly using it.

Rhys moves in front of me, blocking off my view, but not before I catch a glimpse of a man in a perfectly fitted suit. All I see of the other two are a brown uniform and someone with floppy hair. It takes me a second to catch up with the conversation. Did that man just say he was Rhys’s father?

Rhys crosses his arms, looking relaxed, but his muscles bunch up at his shoulders. There’s magic rippling around him as well. Does he even know it’s there? Waiting to be used? Rhys is almost the only thing I can see. He’s a stone wall in front of me.

It’s the first time anyone has ever stood between me and danger.

“How’s the old house doing? I heard there was an incident out there last week.”

The man in the brown uniform roars in rage, charging Rhys with his arm raised. Fear ratchets up my spine and my skin turns cold and clammy. The man in the suit grabs the back of the uniform, yanking Rhys’s dad back before he can do any damage.

“That was a very wicked thing you all did,” the older man scolds as though talking to a bunch of toddlers. That’s all he has to say about it, though. Obviously, he doesn’t care that they burned down one of his underling’s homes. That’s how it always is with the High Fae. The rest of the world exists beneath the bottom of their feet.

“Wait outside for us, Scott. We don’t need any more disruptions.”

“This is bullshit. These little shits think they can get away with…” Scott’s words are choked off when the man in the suit holds up his hand.


Rhys’s father huffs out of the bar like an angry but obedient puppy, slamming into the glass door so hard I’m afraid it’s going to shatter. I sigh in relief when it swings shut still in one piece. That feeling is short-lived when I get my first look at the man with the floppy hair. My veins fill with ice, and it takes everything inside of me not to run away. I grip the edges of the stool I’m sitting on to keep my trembling hands from view.

I recognize the man. He was one of the Duke’s frequent guests at the manor.

He had a penchant for beating drudges for things like breathing the same air as him. He beat one girl so badly she never woke up. He’s a monster. My fear is a familiar companion, a chaperone that won’t leave my side and let me live my life. It comes roaring back, reminding me that despite all of the kind things these people are doing for me, I’ll never truly escape it.

Rhys shifts just enough for the men to see me. I nearly lose the contents of my stomach. The drink that was so sweet earlier is sloshing around dangerously in my stomach.

There are two very distinct reactions when the men spot me. Colton Zima’s face fills with an oversized grin and the older man stares at me as various emotions pass over his face. At first, he appears spooked, not scared exactly, but shocked. Then anger sets in. He cuts through the space in two long steps, but that’s all the farther he gets before the entire party gathers around me.

“How is it that a low-level piece of garbage like you was able to sneak through the veil? Hmm?” he snarls, shaking his head, his nostrils flaring.

“Get the fuck out of my bar, right now,” Rhys shouts and the waver of magic being used pulses around him. I don’t know what he’s doing, but the two Fae back up, scowling at him.

“Do you think you’re ready to run with the big boys?” Colton grins at Rhys, looking so smug.

“I’m a man. No need to run around with little boys,” Rhys says with a smirk.

Colton's slick facade falls, and he snarls, “You have no idea what I’m capable of. If you were, you'd be bowing down to me. That one is pretty good at getting on her knees. Maybe she can teach you a few things.”

Colton laughs and Rhys makes a little rumbling sound. His face is red, and I think he might charge Colton. He takes a step forward, but Archer is faster, stepping in front of Rhys.

“Colty, buddy. Haven’t you heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder? I doubt anyone could ever love that smug, self-satisfied face, but why don’t you disappear and give us a chance to try.”

Colton swings his gaze toward Archer. His eyes almost appear to be glowing as he grins at Archer. Anthony watches it all with a detached interest, but that almost worries me more than Colton’s outright animosity.

“You think you’re so clever. You’re just as worthless as that weak, pathetic drudge. Maybe I should stab her too.” Colton points at me.

Everyone goes crazy.

Rhys throws himself at Colton, but before he reaches him, shadows burst from Archer, filling up the entire bar. I can’t see a thing and I wish Rhys was still right in front of me. All I can hear are grunts of pain and groaning. I really hope none of them are from anyone other than Anthony and Colton.

Some of the smoke clears until all that’s remaining is an inky, shadow arm that’s holding Colton and Anthony up in the air, choking them. Rhys moves backward until the backs of his thighs press into my knees. On instinct, I reach out and catch the back of his shirt.