“You’re going to get the fuck out of here and we’re not going to have the displeasure of your company at Paul’s ever again,” Archer says through gritted teeth.

Lena hurries to the door, holding it open as the shadows launch Colton and Anthony outside. I can’t help but notice both of them are smiling, even as they’re being tossed out. I shiver, fear making my heart race.

“Lock the door,” Rhys shouts and someone runs to the front of the bar to do just that. I don’t know who because I can’t concentrate on anything but keeping my breathing under control. My fingers ache from gripping Rhys’s shirt so tightly, and my lip pulses with each heartbeat. I think I bit it.

Rhys turns around, forcing me to let go of my hold. My hands go back to clinging to the sides of the stool. He bends to look me in the eye, not touching me as he speaks. “Zara. You’re safe, okay. I’m just going to…” His words trail off as he slowly moves his hands to peel mine off the chair. First one and then the other. He doesn’t let go of me, but gently massages my cramped fingers as if he can tell how stiff they are.

“Zara, can you talk to me?” Rhys’s voice is low and steady, reassuring. It’s a heady sound that soaks into my skin and down to my bones. My head feels light and fuzzy. “Can you take a breath, sweetheart?”

“Take a fucking breath, Zara.” Ruby’s no-nonsense voice jolts through me, causing me to suck in a breath of surprise. But it also jars lose all that fear that’s been holding me paralyzed. I start to shake, trembling like a weak little leaf being tossed about on gale force winds.

So weak. Just like Colton said.

“Christ, Cube. Back up.”

“She’s my sister.”

I hear a symphony of sounds as gasps and exclamations bounce around the bar, but I can’t focus on any of it. The only thing that’s helping are the nearly violet eyes that are still level with mine.

“I’m here. You’re going to be okay.” Making sure I can see his movement, Rhys lifts his hand and settles it on my cheek. The heat of his rough palm is an immediate balm, making my racing heart calm and my eyelids flutter shut.

“Hey,” he murmurs, just for me to hear, “keep those eyes open. Okay?” I blink up at him and suck in another breath. “That’s right. Just like that.”

I take another breath, wanting to please him, which is so silly because all I’m doing is inhaling.

“I’m going to take you upstairs, okay? It’s quieter there. Would that be better?”

I manage to nod, feeling so grateful for his care that I almost start to cry.

“Where are you taking her?” Ruby’s voice is too loud, and I flinch without meaning to.

“Just upstairs, Ruby. Give us a few minutes and we’ll be back down.” Rhys tries to lead me past her, but she steps in his way.

“Are you okay with that, Zara?”

I look at the face that’s so similar to my own and I understand without her saying a word what she’s really saying. Ruby’s worried about me. She doesn’t want me to feel forced into going anywhere I don’t want to. For perhaps the first time in my life, I feel safe. Taken care of. Which is ironic because Colton Zima is on Wild Haven Island. That is not good.

“Yes.” My voice cracks, and I’m still shaking. Even though there aren’t a lot of people in the bar, it's too many. Their attention is focused on me, and I hate that.

“Okay.” Ruby backs away with that one word of agreement.

Rhys has a hold of my arm, leading me toward the back of the bar. I have no idea where we’re going, but I trust him and follow without question. His hand slides down my arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake as he wraps my hand in his much larger one. I stare down at our joined fingers, stunned by the sight. I’ve never held hands with anyone before.

I don’t know if any of my new friends realize how casually they all touch each other. Hugs, playful pushes, ruffling each other’s hair. I never had any of that growing up, but I craved it. I craved having someone hold me with affection. Rhys’s hand in mine nearly pushes me over the edge, and he doesn’t even have a clue.

Rhys leads us down a hallway, stopping before a locked door. He fishes out a set of keys from his pocket with his free hand and unlocks it. Enclosed stairs head up and Rhys reluctantly lets go of my hand. We could walk side-by-side, but we’d bump shoulders the whole way up.

“Where does this go?”

“My apartment.” Rhys looks over his shoulder at me. His brow is furrowed as if he’s worried I won’t make it up the steps. But the farther we get away from the bar and the more he keeps talking to me, the more my nerves settle.

“You live over your bar?”

“I bought the whole building from Paul. Archer and Davis helped me rehab the upstairs and make it a livable space.

There’s a small landing at the top of the steps. Keys still in his hand, Rhys unlocks another door and holds it open for me. I walk inside and my jaw drops open. Livable? That’s not what I would call this space.

“This is beautiful.” The apartment is all exposed brick, with large canvas paintings hanging on the walls. I’m drawn to them immediately, but I hold myself back, taking in the rest of the apartment. It’s two floors of living space and everything is wide open. There are large arched windows as tall as me on the right side of the room, and I imagine sitting by them with a warm drink, and watching people down below.