Chapter Thirty-Seven:

In a Snap


CHARLIE’S FACE WHENwe entered the house brought a smile to mine. His temporary room downstairs wouldn’t feel the same for him, but we got the rocking chairs down for him and his mattress to help him feel as normal as possible.

Carl, apparently, had the same thought — he came running before Sterling could close the door but went straight to Charlie and jumped into his lap.

“Goddamnit, Carl!” Sterling yelled.

Charlie and I laughed as he whimpered and squirmed. “Someone missed you.”

“I missed him too. Maybe I s-should’ve sprung for the one with the wider seat,” he said, patting the wheelchair. “No matter. I won’t be in this for long.”

The forced smile on Sterling’s face told me he didn’t like it, but he wasn’t prepared to tell his own father he wasn’t permitted to walk again. “I’ll have a stair lift installed, and we’ll upgrade your ride to whatever you want. We’ll make this work, Dad.”

Seeing him so fussed over his father was endearing, so endearing I went on my toes to kiss his cheek. “One son worries too much, the other not enough eh, Charlie?” I ruffled Sterling’s perfect hair as Charlie coughed a laugh and then pushed the wheelchair closer to the couch. “Let’s get you on a bigger seat so Carl can fit in too.”

We helped him get comfortable then spent the afternoon doting on him, watching all of his favorite movies and helping him stay mobile in between.

Kylie took to him quickly, and they talked more than anyone about the house, the boys, the story of how Sterling saved Carl and has pretended he’d regretted it ever since. I found myself watching Sterling and the way he couldn’t take his eyes off his father. It was so protective I found myself gravitating closer to him and rubbing his leg to calm him.

“He looks good, huh?” I whispered over.

“He does. He looks happy here. Doesn’t he?” he asked. “Happy.”

I nodded. “He always did. But I don’t think it has to do with where he is, honestly. It’s when he’s near you.”

Sterling looked at me abruptly, blue eyes wide. “God, I’ve been ...”

“Shh.” I touched his cheek gently, forcing him to keep his gaze on me. “You’ve been the best fucking son, Sterling. You have to hear me.”

“I haven’t,” he muttered. “But this isn’t the time. We should get dinner ready; Ollie will be here soon.”

I stood up and held out my hand for him to stay with Charlie. “I’m making hobos. Ky will come help me. You hang out with Charlie.”

“Thank you.” His words were slow, deliberate, and I knew he was thanking me for more than just making dinner.

I placed a soft kiss on his head and led Kylie to the kitchen. It didn’t take long to get the food in the oven, but we lingered there a while longer to give Sterling some time. We didn’t go back until Ollie walked in and Carl went so crazy he jumped up on the table. It was a mess, but all of us were laughing by the end of it. Ollie looked better, like he had come to terms with his three-million-dollar loss and didn’t hold it against Sterling anymore, but it was possible that was just my rose-colored glasses at the entire situation.

“Led!” Ollie yelled, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me in. “I wore a cardigan just for you. Do you like it?”

“Yes, very Longbottom of you.” I tugged on his sweater with a grin and gave him a sad smile. “How are you? Still in mourning?”

“It’s still too fresh,” he said with an exaggerated pout. “Time heals all wounds, and so does a trip or two to Mexico. Just sucks I have to fly commercial.”

“Any flying is horrible, not that I’d actually know. I’ve never been on a plane,” I admitted with a shrug. “Mexico again, huh? Someone special out there or...?”

“There are lots of special someone’s down there. But how is it that you’re dating my brother and you haven’t been anywhere? Sterling? How is this possible?”

Sterling cleared his throat. “We’ve been a little busy. Shall we eat? Is it ready yet?”

“Just about. I just need to take it out and let them sit for five minutes. What does everyone want to drink?” I took all their orders and had Kylie come help me in the kitchen once again, and before that five minutes was up everyone was sitting around the table and talking loudly with Charlie. Seeing him with his boys always made my chest tighten, especially now that I knew their whole story. Ellie was missing, and every single one of them could feel it when they were together. “Hope everyone’s hungry. I made these ones bigger.”

“You are my favorite human, Led. I’ve heard the rumors about these and I’m so incredibly fucking here for it.”

Charlie raised an eyebrow at his youngest son. “You could try to be a little more civilized when we have company, Oliver.”