“Oh god,” Sterling said quickly. “He’s gone senile. He just used the words ‘civilized’ and ‘Oliver’ in the same sentence.”

I laughed harder than I needed to. “And for us? We have the worst fucking mouths here. Kylie got kicked out of church one time for cussing.”

“Hey! The sermon hadn’t started yet and my ass had no business being there anyway,” she said defensively. “Not my fault the good Father was hotter than the hell he was warning us about.”

Sterling’s eyes flicked to mine, and I bit back my laugh — or tried to at least, but when I failed miserably, I decided to mess with my Dom instead. “He really was.”

“Catholic, I’m assuming? Vow of celibacy,” he said quickly. “That’s akin to being attracted to a poster on your wall.”

Kylie chuckled. “He wasn’t like that. He was dating. They were progressive for Catholics.”

The change in Sterling’s body language was immediate — and I wasn’t done.

“Ky, remember that porn I sent you?”

“That’s not the kind of porn you forget, and yes, it’s exactly that. Or would’ve been, anyway. I was too chicken-shit.”

Ollie looked between us. “Hold on, you send each other porn?”

“Hey,” Kylie chuckled. “A single girl’s gotta help another single girl out every once in a while.”

I looked down at my plate as I slipped a hand over into Sterling’s lap. “Made it very hard to look at a priest for a while.” I brushed his cock through his slacks, making him twitch and jerk hard enough to be noticeable.

“That’s good,” he said through clenched teeth. “Porn is ... healthy. Can someone pass the salt?”

“Looks like you’re salty enough already, big bro,” Ollie teased. “Jealous, much?”

“You know, I think I’ll drown my sorrows by buying myself a big, fancy private jet,” Sterling muttered. “You know a guy, don’t you, Ollie? Think he’ll cut me a deal?”

Welp, there goes playful Ollie. How quickly his face fell would have been comical if I didn’t feel so bad for him. I grabbed the salt and handed it over, but pulled it back when he reached for it. “Not too much. I added some already when I cooked it. You don’t need a bunch of salt.”

“Oh?” he leaned in, then whispered one, single word into my ear: “Snap.”

I squirmed, letting the salt go when he pulled it from my grasp. “Yes, Sir,” I whispered back, returning to my food as I hoped no one else in the room was paying attention to us.

He squeezed my thigh twice in a silent “good girl,” then carried on the conversation like nothing had happened at all.

When dinner was finally over, Kylie helped me clean up, but we only made it halfway through drying the dishes before I heard an actual snap from the living room.

The shiver it caused was breathtaking. “I’ll be right back.” I rushed toward the commanding noise with my eyes down. “Yes, Sir?”

Silence greeted me for three agonizing heartbeats. “Um ... Zeppelin?” Sterling called. “Ollie was just telling us yet again how he had a jet and it was gone in a ... snap.”

My eyes widened in horror as I looked up and saw Ollie’s amused expression, but it was Charlie’s that made me want to disappear right into the Earth. “Oh ... I was ... um ...” Fleeing was the only option. “I’ll just go walk into traffic. Nice knowing all of you.”

I rushed to the front door like the dramatic bitch I was and Sterling let me get out onto the porch before he stopped me and pulled me to him with a deep, heated kiss.

“Good girl,” he rushed out. “You’re okay. You’re perfect, Zeppelin. Breathe.”

I calmed in his arms, his strong hold grounding me in a way I absolutely needed. “How obvious was it?”

“Obvious,” he said, unable to fight the smile spreading across his face. “But god, do I love you for it.”

“Y—” I met his gaze as his words sunk in and warmed every inch of my body. I jumped into his arms and kissed him, needing him to feel how much those words meant to me, how good they felt for me to hear. I’d already known I wasn’t alone in this, but the affirmation of his love meant the world. “I love being your good girl.”

He slammed me against the wall of the house and kissed down my neck, not stopping for a second when Ollie popped his head out the door.

“Uh, guys? There are cars and ... stuff. You maybe want to consider going somewhere more private.”

“Fuck off, Oliver!” I rushed out, hands curling in Sterling’s hair as I held him to my neck. “Sir ...”

Sterling pulled back, flushed and alive. “He’s right. Your friend is leaving tonight, my brother is here and so is my father. Now isn’t the time. Later ... fuck. I’m going to take you apart.” He kissed me again, then set me down and took my hand. “You keep your head up when we go back in there. You’re mine, Zeppelin, and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Do you understand?”

He was right, I didn’t have anything to be embarrassed of here. I was his good girl, he was proud of me, and I was home. “Okay, Sir. I understand. I’m proud to be yours.”

And I couldn’t wait for him to take me apart.