Chapter Fourteen:

Razor Blade Salad

And I’m not wearingany socks.

I stared down at the note and apron on my bed with a confused grin. Socks? What the hell does that— I laughed loudly, remembering what I said to him when the apron was first mentioned. “Fine, and I’ll waitress your fucking socks off, Silver.”

Shaking my head, I set it all aside and went along with my day, but no matter how busy Charlie kept me, it was never far from my mind. What started as a joke I didn’t think we’d ever see through became real, and now that the apron was at my disposal, I didn’t have it in me to back down from the challenge.

I didn’t realize I was staring off into space until Charlie was interrupting my ever-spinning thoughts. “Something on your mind?” he asked, playing cards spread out in front of him. “You went a-away for a minute.”

I smiled softly. Nothing made it past this man. “Yeah, sometimes I do that. I’m here.” I watched him closely, wondering how much he actually knew about Sterling and me. For some reason, he seemed to know more than the both of us. “Would it be weird of me to ask about Sterling?”

“I think it’s weird you think that would be weird,” he commented. “You live with him. Why wouldn’t you want to know things?”

“True.” I chewed my lip as I contemplated my words for no reason, because I still ended up blurting out a question I knew I shouldn’t have. “Why doesn’t he date?”

He sighed, leaning back like I’d just asked him the meaning of life. “He was betrayed by someone he cared very deeply for at a time when he needed her most. I can’t tell you anything more than that. It’s his place, not mine.”

“Of course,” I rushed out. “I understand not going into details. He’s just so handsome. I know he can have anyone he wants.” I blushed at what just came out and my eyes widened. “Shitballs. Please don’t tell him I said that.”

Charlie tilted his head with thinly-veiled amusement. “Normally, women are more naturally drawn to Oliver. But you’re not.”

I shook my head slightly. “I’ve dated him. Obviously not him, but I’ve dated men like him. I’m sure Ollie is a great man, but after what I went through, he’s not what I’m interested in. Plus—” I looked around for an escape and came up short “— someone else already has my eye.” Please don’t make me say who. I don’t even understand what it is yet and we both know you already know.

“Hmm. I see.” Charlie continued playing Solitaire with an unassuming, content expression. “Good that you let Ollie down easy, then.”

“I’m sure he’ll settle down one day when he’s done having fun. Would you like some water or anything?”

He nodded. “Water would be great. And I think I’ll turn in early tonight. He’s on his way, yes?”

“I believe so. Are you sure?” I asked nervously, and when all he did was nod, I took my leave to go get his water. I had a feeling I knew what he was doing, and all that did was make me nervous.

I shouldn’t have been so attracted to Sterling, he was my boss. My boss who probably truly didn’t want anything to do with me in that way. We were just two lonely people stuck in a house together, that’s all it was. Would fucking him really be all that bad? We were adults, and adults simply working off some steam together really was a common thing, so why not?

Because if it blows up in your face, you’ll be jobless and homeless again.

“I hate you,” I whispered sharply to my devil as I filled up a glass.

My mind was still reeling as I handed it to Charlie, and even more as I helped him with his nightly routine. Once his dentures were in their cup, his compression socks were on, the humidifier was humming and he was tucked into bed with his favorite pillow behind his head, I smiled down at him and felt better. It wasn’t just his nightly routine anymore, it was mine. “All comfy? Need anything else?”

Carl jumped in the bed at his feet and made himself at home, and Charlie simply shook his head.

“No, thank you. That’s enough fuss for one old man. Tell my son I said goodnight, and goodnight to you too,” he said pointedly.

I was planning on hiding in my room, but I could never deny Charlie ... and maybe I didn’t want to. “Will do. Sleep well, and if you need me just grab the monitor and call.”

I grabbed my apron with a smirk and made my way downstairs to stress-bake some blueberry muffins while I waited for Sterling. I wondered how he might respond to seeing me like this, especially because at the last minute I decided to take off my pants and toss on some pajama shorts that hugged my ass perfectly.

Maybe I wanted to tease a little.

Or maybe I needed it.

The front door opened a second before the oven beeped, and I timed it perfectly to be pulling them out as he rounded the corner. “Good evening, Silver,” I said without looking, then slowly turned and lifted my gaze to his after I set them on the stove. “How was work?”

“Long,” he said simply, reaching out to ghost his fingertips along the hem of the apron. “Thank you for sending me pictures today. He looks happy.”

“He is,” I agreed, trying to decipher that hungry look in his eyes. “I’ll get your dinner.” I spun away to go to the microwave, then grabbed his favorite beer and a water bottle. “Charlie and I are trying to drink more water, so you should, too.”