Charlie cleared his throat quietly. “Should I leave you two alone?”

“No,” we said simultaneously.

Definitely not. In fact, never leave me alone with this dick-for-brains again ... because one of these days, I’m going to get angry enough to climb him.Sam Winchester appeared on screen looking like he just did a five-year stint in work-out prison and I chewed my bottom lip to mess with Sterling. “I mean he definitely has a good argument, Silver.”

“You think? The long hair and puppy dog eyes do it for you, huh? Really kick that sleep apnea into high gear?”

I cringed and tossed a pillow at him. “And what does it for you? Your reflection?”

“You’re not talking about snoring, are you?” Charlie asked, reaching to cover Carl’s ears. “Do I-I need to be here for this?”

I bit back a laugh and nodded my head for him to stay. I knew Sterling and I needed to work on our communication skills but I didn’t think we were ready for that. Playful banter was just safer. “I’m talking about snoring, I’m innocent. I don’t know about your son, though.”

“Just call me Castiel, I’m an angel,” he insisted. “And look at you, covering Carl’s ears like he’s going to be corrupted. You know I caught him humping those ridiculous rainbow Crocs the other day?”

“Shut your face.” I met his eyes and saw he was lying, and I was angry at myself for being unable to wipe the stupid grin off my face. “Carl would never, he prefers your pillow.”

“Do you spend a lot of time in my room, Zeppelin?” he asked, pinning me to the spot with his gaze. “That’s a weird thing to observe.”

“Maybe I prefer your pillow too,” I teased, this time forgetting all about Charlie’s presence. “Helps with the snoring.”

“Knew it was me on your mind,” he said quietly. “Should’ve just said so. I’d be happy to lend you a bottle of cologne if you like the way I smell that much.”

Charlie stood, reaching for his cane and whistling for Carl. “Don’t mind me, I’m off to bed. Might scrub my brain clean on the way.”

I jumped up to help him with the stairs and pretend I was fine, even though my panties were anything but. I walked him up in a daze, my mind moving a million miles a minute. What was it about Sterling that constantly had me so fucking wet? Even when he yelled at me, I could feel the tingling of arousal, and every time it happened it was worse than the last. Would just one time be so bad? I imagined it happening tonight, me on his lap riding him like my life depended on it. It made my hands clench and when Charlie pulled away, it brought me back to reality. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for my grip to be so tight.”

“It’s alright. Promise me you’ll go back to the living room and not ... not to bed.”

“Charlie, I—” I didn’t know what to say. Something told me he knew exactly what would happen if I went back down there, and although I didn’t realize it in that moment, he was granting his permission.

“Just do it,” he insisted. “I don’t want you two fighting.”

I opened my mouth to tell him that we weren’t fighting, but Sterling interrupted as he yelled a goodnight down the hall.

Charlie smiled sadly and patted my hand. “Ah, well. Tomorrow then. Thank you for a wonderful day.”

He closed the door softly and left me standing there staring at it. Whether it was tonight or tomorrow, it wasn’t a good idea. I just need to get laid, I thought to myself, before my devil ruined any progress that might have done.

If you wanted to have random, meaningless sex you would’ve ten times over.

This was more than that, I just didn’t have a clue what it was, and that made me nervous — extremely fucking nervous.