

“This is nice,” I said as I leaned against Noah’s chest from where we sat on a blanket by the lake. “It’s... normal. That’s weird.”

His laughter rumbled from deep within him and made me sigh happily. “Normal is what we make it.”

I twisted in his arms. “I didn’t mean a picnic by the lake was weird. Just the not being hunted by demons and almost killed part. It’s sort of become the status quo.”

He kissed the tip of my nose. “I knew what you meant, but thank you for clarifying. I figured we both could use a little R and R after the... excitement of the last few days.”

Plucking a grape from a nearby plate, he popped it into my mouth. I crunched down on the fruit, biting through the skin to release the burst of flavor. Everything tasted and smelled better lately. I wondered if it was because he was here and all my men were finally with me.

“Well, isn’t this a pretty picture?” Kingston’s rich timbre washed over me, and I stiffened.

We hadn’t seen each other since all of us had done... things. So many delicious things. I was worried about how everyone would react to each other now that the heat had passed.

“A picnic? Nice. I’m fucking starving,” he said, not waiting for an invitation before plopping down and stealing a piece of meat off the plate.

Noah sighed, rolling his eyes and shifting to pull the little cooler he’d brought closer. He nudged it toward Kingston. “I had a feeling you might stop by.”

“Where she goes, I go. Even if I don’t realize it’s happening until I find her.” He shrugged. “It’s a mate thing.”

“I’m well aware,” Noah drawled. “Seeing as how I’m her mate.”

I cleared my throat, preparing to intervene. But Kingston surprised me.

“So you can sympathize. We’re pussy whipped.”

“Moira says you’re pussy possessed.”

They both laughed, the sound like music to my ears. “Possessed, obsessed, take your pick. As long as it’s never rejected again.”

I reached over, taking Kingston’s hand and squeezing. “Never. I promise.”

He grinned, scooting closer so he could press a kiss to my lips. It started sweet but quickly turned heated.

Noah coughed. “Unless you want an audience, you might want to tone it down. A crowd is starting to gather.”

Kingston grumbled but didn’t stop kissing me. Instead he murmured against my lips, “Let 'em watch.”

“What’s this, a picnic?” Alek’s voice broke through the silence, and I pulled away from Kingston with a laugh.

The Novasgardian had already claimed a spot on the blanket, his shirtless body misted with sweat and his hair pulled back in a topknot. He must have been out for a run. His finger trailed over my bare foot as he inspected the offering of food.

“Not a feast, but it’ll do.” He snagged a fig and took a bite.

Noah released a heavy sigh. “I must have left my mead in my other jacket. You’ll have to slum it with the rest of us, I’m afraid.”

“Did you pack any communion wafers in case the priest shows up?” Kingston asked.

“I think we’re safe since the sun will be up for a few more hours.”

Disappointment gnawed at me. This would have been a truly perfect moment if Caleb had been here with us.

Then Noah made me laugh by pulling a baguette out from behind his back. “I did bring some bread, though. Just in case.”

“Wait, so you have emergency bread but not wine? What kind of picnic is this?” I asked with mock indignation.