“I never leave home without my emergency loaf,” Noah quipped.

Alek reached into the pocket of his joggers and pulled out a flask. “I am also prepared with my emergency mead.”

“What about you, boy scout? What mystery supplies did you bring?” I asked Kingston.

He pulled a condom out of his back pocket. “The usual. Much more useful than bread.”

Noah’s expression went deadpan. “I was kidding.”

I smirked. “Kingston, I didn’t think you even knew what a condom looked like.”

“I’ve watched porn. Besides, you never know when you might need one.”

Alek let out a low laugh. “Planning on fucking a human? They’re the only ones who need protection from you.”

The idea of him with anyone else made my gut churn, but Kingston’s reaction immediately soothed my ruffled fur. He took the condom and tore it open before flinging it at Alek’s face.

“Good point. Here, you take it.”

We all erupted into peals of laughter as the latex landed across the bridge of Alek’s nose. The Viking used his magic to turn the condom into a flopping fish before throwing it into the lake.

Eventually we eased into a happy silence as we continued our picnic. The chill of fall had me shivering as the minutes passed into hours and the sky darkened. What had once been a landscape of oranges and reds as the leaves dropped from the trees lost its color to the dimming light. Kingston wrapped me in his arms, warming me instantly, as Noah took my hand and Alek rested his palm on my knee.

“This was nearly perfect,” I said on a happy sigh.

“Nearly?” Noah asked. “What could’ve made this better?”

I felt guilty as Caleb’s name sat on the tip of my tongue. I didn’t want them to feel like they weren’t enough for me.

“Her priest, of course,” Alek murmured, saving me from the confession.

“Ah yes. We’ll have to make our next family gathering a moonlit one then, so he can take part.”

The easy acceptance brought tears to my eyes. I’d been so worried about what the dynamic between us would be like now, but it had been for nothing. It was just like all of them had promised me. The only thing they seemed to care about was my happiness, so long as they were part of it.

“You know, next Thursday is Thanksgiving.” I sat up a little taller, feeling silly even mentioning the holiday when we were in the midst of demons taking shots at me.

“We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here,” Noah said.

“But you live in America.”

“Sure, but vampires rarely do holidays, you know.”

“That’s just stupid,” Kingston offered. “Any excuse to eat, count me in.”

“Me too.” Alek stood and stretched, putting all those muscles on gorgeous display.

Excitement flooded me. “Do you all want to join me and Moira for our little friendsgiving?”

“I was hoping you’d ask,” Kingston said, kissing me. “I want you for dessert.”

“I’d like an appetizer.” Noah nibbled my neck and sent shivers down my spine.

“And you, Viking? What would you like?”

Alek grinned down at me, stopping my heart with one word.

“You. Just you, Sunny.”