I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see pity in hers. But my Sunny wouldn’t let me. She grasped my chin and forced me to look down at her. To anyone who might’ve seen us, we must’ve made a strange picture. My hulking form controlled by her smaller one. A beauty taming a beast.

“A mark won’t change how I feel about you. But if it’s something you need to feel secure so you know you’re just as important to me as they are, then let’s do it. You don’t have to bite me. Let’s make our own marks. Something that holds special meaning for the two of us. Whatever you want. We’ll do it together.” A sheepish expression flitted across her face.


“As long as you don’t want to pierce me.”

That made a wave of amusement rise in me. “I only want to pierce you with one thing.”

She rolled her eyes, but a blush crept into her cheeks. “You don’t pierce me with your dick. You split me in two.”

“Damn right.”

But the mention of piercings led me to something I should’ve thought of before. Something permanent, meaningful, powerful.

“A tattoo,” I murmured, my focus landing on her arm.

Her eyes brightened with interest. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo.”

“It will be a first for both of us.”

“Oh, goodie. We’ll lose our virginity together. Do I get to pick the spot?” she asked.

“No,” I told her, my voice firm. Lifting her arm, I gently traced the place I knew I wanted to mark her.

“Not even for yours? I mean it is mine to give.”

“You’re right. You should choose where you want to stake your claim on me.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and tapped one finger on her chin. “Hmm... I think I need to thoroughly inspect my canvas before I choose.”

I chuckled as she walked in a slow circle around me, trailing her fingers over my body, making me lift and lower my arms. At one point, she even dipped her fingers into my pants as if she was going to remove them. Once she stood in front of me again, I asked, “Well? What have you decided?”

“Here,” she murmured, running the tips of her fingers down my ribcage. The touch was gentle as she trailed the line of my torso until she reached the waistband of my joggers. “Yep. Right here. I want you to shiver just like that every time you think of me and remember where my claim is.”

“When can we do it?”

She bit down on her lower lip as she considered. “How about right now?”

“Gods, I was hoping you’d say that. I don’t want to wait another second.” I lifted her up, making her squeal with laughter as I tossed her over my shoulder.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m sneaking you out of here where my magic is stronger. I can do a lot of things even with the wards in place, but this requires more control and focus.” I stopped, shifting my hold on her to bring her face back down to mine. “Unless you don’t think it’s safe to leave the campus right now.”

Sunday feathered her lips over mine. “I’m not sure any place is safer than with you.”

My heart swelled, brimming with pride that she trusted me so much. I claimed her mouth with an intensity that robbed us both of breath.

If I had any doubt about staying here with her, it was gone now. Sunday and I were fated, just like my parents had been, and there was nothing in this universe that could part us now.