

“I’m surprised it doesn’t hurt,” I murmured, staring down at the runes marking the inside of my bicep.

“It’s magic. That’s kind of the benefit,” Alek teased, lifting my arm and pressing a kiss over one of the sigils, which sent electric tingles racing across my body. “I love seeing my name etched into your skin, and knowing it didn’t bring you pain only makes it better.”

I tugged up his shirt, trailing my fingers down the side of his ribcage where he’d marked himself with my name. “Me too.”

“It’s a shame I have to wear a shirt and cover it up.”

“I always think it's a shame you don’t walk around naked. Then again, it’s probably safer for the female population that you keep all that Grade A Novasgardian beef under wraps.”

Alek laughed, his eyes sparkling with delighted mischief. “I’ll endeavor to be naked around you more often since you find it so... appealing.”

“Only me. I can’t guarantee the safety of anyone else I catch ogling you. I’m a wolf now, remember? We’re possessive.”

Alek grasped me by the waist and lifted me up so we were nose to nose. “That makes two of us, Sunny. I may not be a wolf, but I am a beast in my own way.”

His lips brushed mine in a gentle kiss, but I threaded my fingers around the back of his neck and deepened the contact. I wanted to make sure he knew, tattoos or not, that he was mine. When I’d sought him out that afternoon, I hadn’t known what to expect, but there was no denying the sense of rightness that had settled in my bones when we’d solidified our claim on each other.

Even now, almost an hour later, I felt invigorated. Filled with a strength and boundless energy that had me ready to scale trees and jump over buildings. Something similar happened every time the connection between me and one of my mates was accepted.

Noah was my peace. Kingston was my home. Alek was my superpower. And Caleb... well, I guess we’d find out if the infuriating priest ever decided to take that step.

Alek set me back on my feet, and we approached the stretch of stone wall that lined the edge of Ravenscroft’s campus, the wrought iron spikes at the top looking far more ominous on the way back than they had when we left.

“You ever notice this place looks like something straight out of a horror movie?”

Alek laughed. “We don’t have a lot of those back home. But don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the big bad monsters.”

“Uh, Alek... wearethe big bad monsters.”

“True. But some things are worse than others. Like fucking demons.”

He held his palm up to the stone, closing his eyes as he focused, a furrow between his brows.

“What is it?”

“Wards on this side. Don’t worry, it’ll just tickle. They’re not trying to keep us out, just the demon filth.”

“What does it do to them if they try?”

“I’d assume it hurts like hell.”

“But does hell hurt them? I mean, it’s their native realm, so how bad can that really be?”

Amusement twinkled in his icy blue irises. “So maybe it hurts like heaven?”

I bit the inside of my cheek, loving that he was being playful with me. “That sounds more appropriate.”

Threading his fingers together, he crouched by the base of the wall and held out the step he’d created with his hands. “Ready?”

“I always wanted to try this,” I admitted.

“Sneak back into school?”

“Well, sneak out and back successfully. It’s a lot easier with a partner in crime.”