Caleb’s low voice washed over me, interrupting my mental rant. “Is that so, Ms. Belladonna?”

I craned my neck toward the door in time to see my pixie of a roommate poke him in the chest. “Don’t think your God will save you from my wrath, priest-man.”

“What did I do?” he asked, truly baffled.

She huffed. “You have a dick. Right now, that’s enough. Be back in a flash, babycakes.” Then she winced. “Sorry. Poor word choice.”

The door closed behind her, leaving Caleb and me alone together. I stared at the handsome, brooding vampire with my heart in my throat. I would not cry. I wouldn’t. But I did.

Before I could stop them, tears trailed down my cheeks.

“What’s wrong,a stor?” he asked, at my side in a blur of motion. Tenderness he hadn’t shown me since I’d been injured atIniquityradiated from him.

I didn’t know how to answer. I couldn’t say the words out loud. All I could do was shake my head as more tears fell free.

His arms were around me, pressing my head against his chest where I could feel the strong thump of his heart. He’d never held me before. Not like this. I clung to him, seeking more of his strength.

“Tell me what’s happened. I’ll do what I can to fix it for you.”

I shook my head, his shirt wet from my tears. “I don’t think it can be fixed. I was stupid. Kingston and I were reckless.”

He stiffened, stepping back slightly. “Sunday...”

“Please don’t scold me. Not right now.”

“But you’re not—”

I jerked back, heart galloping. “Not what?”

He looked confused, like he didn’t understand why I was upset and was weighing if his words would be welcome or not. “If you’re thinking you’re pregnant, that’s not the case.”

I laughed. “Oh, are you an OB-GYN now too?”

“I’ve helped birth a babe or two in my time.”

“So you can just, what... smell it on me?”

“I’d hear the heartbeat.”

Vampire. Right.

“Not if it was too soon for that to be detectable.”

“And... yes, I’d smell it on you. You’re not pregnant, Sunday. I’d know.”

I wanted to believe. God, did I want to. But until I saw the proof with my own eyes, I knew I wouldn’t stop worrying.

“She went to get me a test. Just to confirm.” I stared up into his eyes and waited for some kind of argument.

“I’ll stay with you until she returns.”

Confusion swirled within me. “Why are you being nice to me?”


“You’re broody, stern, angry. Never nice.”

“That’s not true.”