

Ithrew myself on my bed and groaned dramatically as the headache I couldn’t escape continued its dull assault.

“Alek really rode you hard, huh?” Moira asked from the small desk at the end of her bed.

I turned my head and opened one eye in question.

“In training. God, get your mind out of the gutter,” she said.

“He did, but that’s nothing new. I never leave one of his sessions without ending up sore and sweaty.”

Moira snickered.

“Now whose mind is in the gutter?” I snapped.

“Gee, you’re testy today. For someone getting laid regularly, you sure are tense.”

“I’m sorry. I’m tired, okay? Can you magic me up some ice cream? I need something sweet.”

Moira’s expression soured. “You know I can’t. Magic embargo, remember?”

I winced. The magic ban was really getting to my little witch. She’d been forced to have the same hairstyle for a week now, and she was not handling it well. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I’m sorry I can’t help you with your cravings. Are you PMSing or something?” Her eyes brightened. “Oh! We’re syncing up! You’re basically my sister witch now. All our cycles happen at the same time.”

Dread snaked through me as I did some scary mental math.

When I didn’t immediately answer, Moira’s eyes widened dramatically. “Sunday Fallon. When was your last period?”

“Uh... six weeks ago? But that’s normal for me. I’ve never been regular. The pack doctor said it was because of my wolf.” I said this all in a rush, not sure if I was trying to reassure my roommate or myself.

“Oh shit,” she whispered. “Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.”

“Stop freaking out. I’m not pregnant.”

“How do you know? You went into heat, and Kingston shot how many loads of shifter spunk in you?”

I shook my head. “I can’t be. No way. Noah said I wasn’t fertile, and that was the night Kingston called out my wolf.”

“Right. And then you went into heat,” she emphasized, throwing a pillow at my head. “The only reason for a heat is to breed, you dummy.”

I swallowed, feeling incredibly nauseated. “Why wouldn’t Kingston have mentioned it?”

“He probably didn’t think about anything other than getting his dick wet.”

“Oh, God. I might puke.”

Moira jumped up and raced over, wrapping me in a surprisingly strong hug. “Don’t freak out. We don’t know anything for sure. I’m going to sneak out and get you a test. Okay?”

I nodded. “Get two. Or five. Just so we can be sure.”

“You know... if I had my fucking magic, we could take care of this right now,” she grumbled, muttering under her breath as she grabbed her shoes and a jacket. She tore open the door and practically growled at whoever was on the other side. “I’m leaving, and don’t you dare try to stop me. You men are good for nothing but anxiety, I swear to the goddess.”

My belly clenched. If it was Kingston, I didn’t know what I was going to say to him. Hell, he’d probably pound his chest and howl at the moon with wolfish pride if he’d knocked me up on the first try.

Fucking Alpha asshole.