“Come in,” he called, struggling to sit farther up in his bed. He was tired of looking and feeling like an invalid.

The first thing he saw was a small pine tree about three feet tall covering most of Joey’s face. His smile widened when he saw Rachel coming in behind the boy, lugging a large bag.

“Merry Christmas,” she said as Joey set the small pine tree on the bedside table.

“Merry Christmas,” he responded, unable to suppress his broad grin. It was after all, Christmas Eve.

“Close your eyes,” she said, as she plunked the bag down on the guest chair. “We’ll tell you when you can open them again.”

He’d rather have gazed at Rachel all day but did as she requested. He could hear Joey giggling amidst the sounds of paper rustling. With his eyes closed, he could smell the refreshing scent of pine from the small tree.

It seemed like forever, but finally the rustling and the giggling stopped. “You can open your eyes now, Nick,” Joey said excitedly.

He opened his eyes and gasped in surprise at the way they’d transformed his room. Not only was the tiny tree decorated with miniature lights, but there was a small nativity scene set out on display along with several strands of garland strung festively around the whiteboard on the wall.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, and he wasn’t talking about the Christmas decorations.

Rachel looked lovely, no doubt in part because she’d finally gotten a decent night’s sleep. Her smile was shy and it took him a minute to realize she had what looked to be a brand-new Bible in her hands.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I thought we could read the Christmas story again tonight,” she said. “Or we could read the Psalms since I know you mentioned they’re your favorite. I read Psalm 23 this morning and I can certainly understand why you like them so much. I feel blessed to have found God. And I owe it all to you.”

His throat was tight with pent up emotion and he had to clear it before he could speak. “I’d like that,” he managed, keeping his gaze centered on her. “Very much.”

“I, um, didn’t know how to get in touch with your family, so they don’t know that you’ve been injured....”

“Rachel, come here,” he said, holding out his good hand.

She approached him and put her hand in his. He was conscious of Joey watching them curiously so he couldn’t say exactly what he wanted, but she needed to know the truth. “I’m happy just having you and Joey here, and I don’t need anyone else.”

Her gaze was uncertain. “Are you sure? Christmas is a time for families.”

“I’m sure.” He lifted her hand and kissed it, wishing that Joey wasn’t there so he could kiss her properly. “You and Joey are all the family I need.”

She blushed but didn’t pull her hand away. “I’m glad,” she murmured.

And it wasn’t until much later, when Joey had fallen asleep in the chair, that he was able to tell Rachel how he felt.

“I’m falling in love with you, Rachel,” he said softly.

She sucked in a quick breath. “How can you be so sure?”

He tried to think of a way to put his feelings into words. “I thought I was happy, living my life alone, doing my best to put the bad guys behind bars. But when you and Joey came into my life, I realized that I never felt as alive as I did with the both of you.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “I’ve been so afraid to get involved with anyone after Anthony. I told myself that I was protecting Joey, but I think in reality, I was protecting myself.”

He took her hand and drew her closer. “Rachel, give me a chance to show you how much I love you. There’s no rush, you can take all the time you need, if you’ll just give me a chance.”

“All right,” she whispered.

“Is that a yes?” Nick asked, needing to hear her say the words.

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him, which was perfect since he wasn’t able to get up and cross over to her thanks to the IV pumps keeping him tied to the bed. “That’s a big yes, Nick. Because I’ve fallen in love with you, too.”

He grinned, wishing she’d kiss him again, hardly able to believe his good fortune. Or rather, maybe he could.

For God had known the path he should take, all along.


Three months later...

Nick paused outside Rachel’s doorway, patting the pocket that held the ring he’d purchased for her as he tried to quell his nerves.