He’d gone back to work last week, although he was still on desk duty thanks to his arm injury. He was grateful that each week his arm strength seemed to get a little better, so he didn’t complain. Turns out there really wasn’t any Mafia connection to Global Pharmaceuticals. Just a greedy CEO who’d hated Rachel’s father. When Karl had implicated him in the espionage related to the defective diabetes drug, he’d crumpled like a house of cards.

Rachel and Joey’s nightmare was truly over.

As glad as Nick was to know they were safe, getting back into the normal routine of doing investigations had cut into the time he’d been able to spend with Rachel and Joey.

Especially Rachel.

Last night, he’d picked up Joey after his last basketball game and had asked the boy’s permission to marry his mom. Joey had been thrilled and Nick could only hope that the youngster had managed to keep his secret.

He pushed the doorbell, listening to the chimes echo through the house. He was pleasantly surprised when Rachel opened the door. “Hi, Nick.”

“Hi, Rachel.” He drew her in for a long kiss. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured, gazing down at her upturned face.

“I missed you, too,” she said with a smile. “Are you ready to go?”

“Sure. Is, uh, Joey around?”

“Yes, he’s decided to have a friend sleep over tonight. Suzy, the babysitter, doesn’t seem to mind.”

Nick grinned. “Just give me a minute to say hello.”

“All right,” she agreed, standing back so he could come inside. The boys were sprawled in front of the television in the living room, playing some sort of basketball video game. Suzy was sitting with earbuds in place, listening to music.

“Hey, Joey, how are you?” Nick greeted him.

“Pause the game,” Joey said to his friend, as he jumped off the sofa. “Hi, Nick!”

Nick bent his head down to Joey’s. “Did you keep our secret?” he asked.

Joey’s eyes gleamed as he nodded. “Yep.”

“Good.” He relaxed a bit. “Thanks, buddy. Now try not to interrupt us at dinner, okay?”

Joey rolled his eyes. “Why would I? Suzy is here. Besides, me and Ben are going to be busy playing our game, anyway.”

“All right, see you later, then.”

“Suzy, text me if you need anything,” Rachel called out as he returned to her.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” Suzy responded.

Nick drove Rachel to the small Italian restaurant where he’d reserved a private table in the corner. “How was work today?” he asked.

“The lawsuit has been settled and the new researchers seem to be doing all right so far.” Rachel’s smile dimmed. “The company will be on shaky financial ground for a while, but we’ll make it.”

“I know you will,” Nick replied, admiring her determination. He pulled into the parking lot and handed his keys to the valet service before escorting Rachel inside.

“My favorite restaurant.” Rachel beamed as they were seated. “I already know what I’m having.”

“You should, since you have the menu memorized.” He waited until the server had taken their order before reaching across the table to take her hand. “Rachel, these past few months with you have been wonderful.”

She smiled and squeezed his hand. “For me, too, Nick.”

The timing seemed right, so he took a deep breath and rose to his feet. Two steps brought him to Rachel’s side and when he went down on one knee, her eyes rounded and her mouth formed a small O.

“Nick?” she whispered, looking a bit like she was in shock.

He smiled gently as he pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it. “Rachel, Joey has already given me his blessing. He told me he’d be thrilled to have me as his dad. So now it’s up to you.”

Her eyes filled with tears and for a moment he almost panicked, until he saw the tremulous smile bloom across her face. “I love you, Rachel. Will you please marry me?”

She barely looked at the ring, instead holding his gaze with hers. “Yes, Nick. I’d love nothing more than to be your wife. And to have you be Joey’s father. Of course, I’ll marry you.”

Yes! He did a mental fist pump but managed to draw her to her feet so that he could kiss her. He held her tight, wishing he never had to let her go.

The entire restaurant erupted into a round of applause.

He had to chuckle as he pulled away. “I love you, Rachel. And I promise to make you happy,” he vowed.