Page 75 of Blind Trust

Although he desperately wanted to hear her say the words, he silently vowed to be patient.

“I don’t know what to do with you,” she finally said.

“You could try giving me a chance. To prove I’m better than your loser boyfriend.” Now he understood why she didn’t trust any man could love her, knowing of her progressive vision loss. But he did. “I love you, Eva Kendall. And I’m happy to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much.”

“I love you, too, Finn.” Her confession made his heart soar and he swept her up against him, sealing their fate with another kiss.

“Um, excuse me?” The sound of Dr. Dubois’s voice broke them apart. “I have Cocoa ready for you to take home.”

“Thank you.” Eva crossed the room to gather the puppy close. Cocoa licked her face, then greeted Finn exuberantly. The fluids and food had done wonders for the pup.

“Could I see Abernathy before I leave?” Finn asked.

“Of course. But understand he’s still a bit sedated.”

Finn followed the vet into the back, where he could see Abernathy lying in a crate. There was a small line of stitches along his flank from the procedure. When Abernathy caught his scent, the dog lifted his head but didn’t have the energy to hold it there. His tail thumped twice, then went still.

“It’s okay, boy.” Finn stroked Abernathy’s coat. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll come in the morning to bust you out of here, okay?”

Abernathy’s tail thumped again. Finn felt the sting of tears in his eyes and blinked them away. He bent down to press a kiss on top of Abernathy’s head, then left, knowing Abernathy was in good hands.

In the waiting room, he took Eva’s hand before turning to face the vet. “What time can I pick him up tomorrow?”

“Anytime. We’re open all night, remember?” Dr. Dubois smiled.

“Right. Then I’ll be here at eight.” Maybe earlier, he added silently. He escorted Eva and Cocoa outside, then stopped, realizing he didn’t have his SUV.

As if on cue, his phone buzzed. Zach Jameson. “How’s Abernathy?”

“Healing from surgery. Where are you?”

“At headquarters with Reed Branson. I told Noah about what happened with your partner. He’ll be glad to hear Abernathy will be okay. But we have Greer and Ulrich here. I figured you’d want to be here while we question these guys.”

He did indeed, and he glanced at Eva. She looked exhausted. “Pick me up at the vet. We’ll drop Eva and Cocoa off at my place, then we’ll head back to interrogate these guys.”

“Be there in five.”

“Your place?” Eva pinned him with a narrow glare. “Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?”

“I have to work for several hours yet, so I won’t be there. Or there’s a hotel not far that I could take you to.” He hesitated, then added, “Unless you want to go back to Pete’s house?”

“No, it’s too late. I wouldn’t want to risk waking Mikey.” She sighed. “I guess that leaves me no alternative other than to take you up on that hotel. Just make sure it’s a dog-friendly one as I’m bringing Cocoa.”

“I will.” He was relieved she’d be close by. Now he just needed to find a way to convince her that a quick engagement and even quicker wedding was the way to go.

But first, he needed to finish the case.

For Abernathy’s sake and his own.


Eva awoke the next morning with a sore throat, but the incessant coughing seemed to have disappeared. The room wasn’t at all familiar, and then she realized that she was in a hotel near Finn’s home.

Cocoa was curled up beside her on the bed. The poor puppy had been so afraid to be separated from her, she’d given in and allowed the puppy to sleep with her.

Cocoa sensed her movements and jumped up excitedly. Eva took the animal outside, then cleaned up after him. Although it was early, she found herself wondering what time Finn might show up.

She hadn’t expected to fall asleep after everything that had transpired. But somehow the memory of Finn’s kiss and his declaration of love had brought a sense of comfort. Knowing the bad guys had been arrested had helped provide another layer of security.