Page 76 of Blind Trust

God had certainly watched over them last night.

Two minutes after she returned to her room, there was a knock at her door. When she opened it, Finn stood there, looking amazingly handsome.

“Hey!” He bent to give her a quick kiss, then flashed a distracted smile. “Ready to go? I’m making breakfast at my place before we pick up Abernathy.”

“Um, sure. I guess.” She glanced around the hotel room, found her purse, then saw the cans of wet dog food. She hadn’t had a can opener with her so she decided to take it along to Finn’s. Last, she picked up Cocoa. “Okay, we’re ready.”

“Great.” Finn ushered her outside and drove them the short distance to his place. When they entered the kitchen, which was surprisingly spotlessly clean, he began pulling out pots and pans.

“Do you need anything? I’m not completely helpless in the kitchen.”

“Never said you were,” Finn responded. “Have a seat—this won’t take long. As soon as we’re finished, I’d like to get over to the vet.”

She understood his need to see Abernathy. “Okay. What happened last night? Anything you can tell me that won’t jeopardize your case?”

He quirked an eyebrow. “How many cops have you dated?”

“Huh?” Had she missed something? “None. Why?”

“It’s amazing that you seem to understand what a cop’s life entails, that we can’t always talk about our cases. I noticed from the moment we first met how you seemed to think like a cop.”

She hesitated, then confessed, “I had an uncle who was a cop. My mom’s brother. Uncle Jerry. He was my favorite uncle and my mother used to tease me about how much I loved hearing his stories, even the ones I’d listened to over and over. He passed away two years ago, and I still miss him.”

“I knew you had to have had some exposure to police,” he joked. “Where are your parents?”

“They moved to Arizona. I usually see them a few times a year.”

“Hopefully in the winter, right?”

“Right.” Her smile faded. “At first I thought of becoming a cop, then decided I was more interested in healing people, so I studied nursing. When Malina was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, the same way our mother had been, I instinctively knew I would have it, too. So I dropped out of nursing school and began training guide dogs. I was diagnosed four months ago.”

Finn’s expression turned serious. “Eva, I know how difficult it must be for you, but please know that I love you no matter what diagnosis you have. Either one of us could come down with some sort of illness. Cancer, diabetes, heart disease. You name it, it’s out there.”

She knew he was right, but still believed he was glossing over the reality of her future. “Yes, but being blind is a big deal. It will make having a family impossible.”

“Impossible? Not hardly.” Finn came over to sit beside her. He took her hands in his. “Challenging? Maybe. But not impossible. The Eva Kendall I know won’t let anything stand in the way of what she wants.”

That made her chuckle even though she knew he was still taking it all too lightly. “Right now she wants breakfast, so hurry it up, will you? I need to feed Cocoa.”

Finn stole another quick kiss and then returned to his frying pan. She opened the can of food the vet had provided and spooned it into a bowl for Cocoa. Reassured by the way the chocolate Lab ate with enthusiasm, she knew the puppy would be fine.

When Finn had their eggs and toast ready, he set the platter on the table, then reached for her hand. “Dear Lord, we thank You for this food we are about to eat. We also thank You for keeping us safe in Your care and healing our wounds. We ask that You continue to guide us on Your chosen path as we get married, have children and live happily ever after. Amen.”

“Amen,” she answered automatically, then jerked her head up to look at him. “Wait, what? Are you crazy?”

“Crazy in love,” he assured her. “And if you’re not ready to accept my proposal yet, that’s fine. I’ll ask every day until you say yes.”

“Every day?” She laughed, which then turned into a coughing fit. “Did you get any sleep last night? I think your brain cells have gone on the fritz.”