Page 122 of King Larson

I can’t help but chuckle. “Your work of meddling in my love life?” I’m starting to actually like this girl. She could be a really good friend.

She lets out a satisfied sigh, followed with a smile. “You’d be right, my friend.” Her face suddenly softens as she stares at me. “She’s a great girl, Larson. Please don’t fuck this up.”

Thank you,God, for bringing Kris in my life only to bust my chops. I roll my eyes as she laughs at me. She turns to leave, but I stop her.

“Hey, Kris?” She turns back to me, waiting. This is the same girl who I’d been sleeping with for three years. She was essentially my friend with benefits. I don’t know why she would agree to entertain a guy like me, but I was thankful. Everything made sense before I met Leia Walton. The girl turned me on my head, and it’s fucking with me. “Thank you. For being annoying as hell about all of this.”

She gives me another small smile. “Thank you forallowingme to. Now...get to reading,” she reprimands.

I give her a playful glare, and she opens the door, disappearing behind it. I look down at the journal as if it’s a bomb about to detonate. I let out a breath.

This feels so fucking wrong.

I’m not sure what’s in here or why Kris is so adamant about me reading what’s inside, but I don’t have a feeling it’s going to be good. What the fuck is in here?

Read it and find out for yourself, weirdo.

Shaking my head of my thoughts, I slowly open the journal and read the first page.


My fucking journal is missing. And I know who the culprit is.

I’m banging on Kris’s door. I’ve asked around about her and, luckily for me, I was able to find her roommate.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

The bitch stole my journal. It went missing a week ago, and I didn’t even notice it was missing until I needed to reference it again for my counselor. Not only was I scared that it went missing, I got pissed. Iampissed.

“Kris, open the damn door!” I don’t care that I’m screeching. I don’t care that people are staring at me like I’m crazy in the hallway. I don’t even care that the dorm supervisor is shouting at me to shut up. “You have ten seconds to open this door or I’ll report you for stealing!” I continue banging until someone opens the door. Finally, it opens.

Kris appears, and she has an amused look on her face.

“Can you calm down, crazy girl? For fuck’s sake, I see what Jake sees in you.” She walks away, with the door open. I’m left staring at her from the doorway. Is she serious right now? “Close your mouth, hun. You’ll catch flies.”

I close my mouth and walk inside. “You have my journal. I know you took it,” I growl.

“You’re right, I did. What are you gonna do about it?” What this real? I advance on her, and she steps back. “Before you hurt me, ask me why I did it.”

I give a rueful laugh. “I don’t givetwo shitsabout why you took my journal. I just want it back!” I screech, making her flinch.

“Leia...calm down. Take a deep breath,” she urges.

I stare at her again. I could strangle her. “Give me my journal!”

“I don’t have your journal!”

I open my mouth to respond, but I’m caught off guard. She doesn’t have my journal? My hands fist at my sides. What the hell is going on here?

“Come again?” She lets out an annoyed sigh. “Then who the fuck has it?!” If she says Jake has it...

“It’s in the hands of someone who needs it right now.” My stomach drops at that.Who has it? I need a minute, so I step away from her and pace. “Leia—”

“Does Jake have it?” I whisper. I don’t know what I’d do. It’s humiliating, the stuff I wrote about him a year ago. I said I had a crush on him. Do you realize how schoolgirlish that sounds? There’s a moment of silence that freaks me out. I turn to look at her, and she swallows. “Does he?”

“I had to, Leia. I told you, he misses you,” she whispers. What the hell is wrong with everyone? No one wants to listen to my wishes, for some reason. I miss him too.Painfully so. But that doesn’t change anything. We’re too different. I don’t fit into his world. He’ll resent me if we go there again. Our fling in Slovakia was a fantasy. Nothing more. My heart breaks at this thought.

“I just want my journal back,” I whisper.