Page 121 of King Larson

Groaning, I get up and walk to the door. Who is bothering menow? The guys are down at the beach, doing drills. They wanted me to join them, but I needed time to myself. Time to do self-reflection.

The annoying guest knocks on the door again, harder this time.

“Calm your tits!”

Opening the door, I come face to face with Kris. I groan, leaning against the door. The last time I spoke to her was two weeks ago. I wasn’t expecting to see her again.

She gives me a friendly smile. “Nice to see you too, Larson.” Her eyes scale up and down my body in disgust. “What the fuck happened to you?” She walks past me into the house, leaving me staring at the street. I really don’t want to talk to her right now. She’s been a good friend since coming back from Slovakia, but clearly I’m not in talking shape right now.

“Please, come in,” I deadpan. I follow her to the couch, and she gives me a playful glare. She slouches down on the couch, and I sit across from her in a chair. “Kris, I’mreallynot in the talking mood right now. So I hope you’re here to watch a movie.”

She rolls her eyes, smiling. “That’s just too bad, isn’t it?” I glare at her, making her laugh. “Calm down, dude. I’m not here to piss you off. I just wanted to check on you.” I feel like shit now. Of course, she’s here to check on me. Kris has always been a selfless girl. Sighing, I set down my beer and lie back.

“I’m sorry, Kris. I’ve just had a...rough week,” I chuckle.

She gives me a pitiful look. “I can tell. Dinner with the coach didn’t go so well?”

“Not really. I told him about how I fucked up this year. I don’t think he responded well to it.”

She lets out a whistle. “Damn, dude. I’m sorry to hear that.” She has a nervous look on her face. She said she’s here to check on me, but something is just telling me she has another thing on her agenda. I just stare at her, waiting for her to share what the hell it is she’s here for. “What? Why are you staring at me?”

“I might be an idiot, but I’m not stupid, Kris.”

This makes her laugh. I raise my eyebrows at her, making her swallow in nervousness.

She rolls her eyes and sighs. “Look, I know you told me not to, but I went to check on Leia.”

My heart stops beating, my body going rigid. I was hoping to avoid speaking of her again.

No matter how many times I think about her.

What’s more, I’m annoyed that Kris completely ignored what we talked about.

“Kris, I saidnotto do that.” I’m getting annoyed with everyone ignoring my wishes. Leia doesn’t want me bothering her anymore, so I’m giving her the space she needs.

“I know you did, but...I was worried about you!” Rolling my eyes, I drink more of my beer. “She was fuckingcryingwhen I went to see her, Jake.”

My gaze whips back to hers.My girl was crying.

“I know nothing about that,” I say, clearing my throat. I’m tempted to bring myself back there, but I can’t do it. She wanted time away, and I can’t keep facing rejection from her. I look pathetic each and every time I talk to her. I miss her. Fuck, I think I always will. But I’m pretty sure she’s convinced that ship has sailed. I’m just about to tell Kris to move on when she pulls out a journal from her purse. The purple journal with white polka dots boggles my mind for a few seconds. “What’s that?”

She sighs and holds it out to me. “It’s Leia’s journal.” My heart drops to my stomach this time. “And I read through it.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “Kris, what thehell?” That’s an invasion of privacy. My adrenaline might be on overdrive right now, but I’m not sure if I feel comfortable reading her journal. “How do you have her journal? She gave it to you?”

Her scoff alerts me. “That girl hates me. Fuck no.” I wait for her to explain. “I took it.”

My eyes widen. “Youtookher journal?”

“It was lying on the floor in her room. You should take a read.” She’s giving me a small smile.

“So you basically stole her journal,” I deadpan.

She rolls her eyes and continues to hold it out. “I’ll give it back to her, I promise. She’ll probably scream at me, but so fucking what? It’s nothing I’m not used to.”

I just give her a blank stare. “Kris—”

“Justread it. You might be surprised at what you read.” She gives me a suggestive eyebrow raise. “You’ll understand her more if you read it. Please.” Sighing, I take the damn thing from her hand, leaving her with a satisfied smile. I roll my eyes and scour the cover. What a whimsical cover.Very fitting for Leia. Unable to help myself, I run my hand over the cover. “My work here is done.”