Page 147 of King Larson

“Don’t mention it.” She’s throwing away garbage, and then there’s another moment of uncertain silence. Like she’s trying to find what to say without making this any more awkward than it is. “Jake—”

My phone rings, cutting her off and making us both jump. She looks at it on the counter, like it’s about to detonate. She then laughs, and I smile an apologetic smile before picking it up.

This better be fucking good.


There’s a ruffling of papers on the other end. “Yes, Mr. Larson? This is Coach Don Sebrum with the Los Angeles Snowflakes. How are you, son?”

My stomach drops, and I freeze. Leia’s staring at me, worried.

“I-I’m all right, sir. It’s great to hear from you.” I mouth asorrythat she waves off, and I walk into the living room. I wasn’t expecting to hear from any teams right now. Draft Day is less than two weeks away.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that, son. Look, we’re having a team practice tonight. I know it’s short notice, but the team would like to invite you to practice with us. Would you be interested?”

Fuck yes, I want to say. Am I dreaming? There’s no way I’m awake right now. Leia’s here, cooking breakfast, and my top choice team is asking me to practice with them tonight. This clearly can’t be real.

“Well, sir, I’d be honored. I just wasn’t expecting—”

“ hear from us, I know.”You don’t say. “You had a rough year, son. You did some dumb stuff, from the sounds of it. But you’re still a phenomenal player with tons of potential. The team would like to meet you.”

I can’t stop the cheesy grin on my face. For fuck’s sake, thisisreal.

“Well, fuck me, I won’t say no to that.” I flinch, realizing I just cussed to a coach. “Shit, I’m sorry, Coach.”You did it again, you idiot.

His husky laugh rumbles through the phone. “No worries, son. It’s something we’ll work on when you’re a Snowflake.” I could’ve fainted right then. “Then it’s settled. We’ll see you tonight at the arena. We practice at 6 p.m. See you then, son.”

“See you, Coach.”

The phone line dies, and I’m sitting there, my heart beating out of my chest. I’m practicing with the fucking Snowflakes tonight.

Fuck. Me.

I’m laughing in disbelief, excited to share the news with Leia. I walk back into the kitchen, and she’s looking at me with a confused smile.

“You’re freaking me out. Are you okay?”

“Allie, you won’t believe this. That was the Los Angeles Snowflakes’ head coach.” Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “They want me to practice with them tonight.”

Her smile grows as she squeals, running over to me. “Oh my gosh! No way!” She jumps into my arms, and I catch her, hugging her close. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispers.

I hug her tighter, refusing to let her go. Things are finally coming into place.

Suddenly, it’s as if a light switches on, and she slowly pulls away. She gives me a sad look, getting out of my arms. She gives me a small smile before kissing me on my cheek. “You deserve it, Jacob,” she whispers again.

My heart constricts at the last bit. I return her smile, but I’m confused about what just changed. “Thank you, Allie. Look—”

“I have to go.” She gives me another hug. “I wish you luck with your practice tonight. Text me and tell me how it goes?”

I look into her eyes, and the sparkle that was there before is no longer there. “Of course, Allie,” I whisper.

She gives me a nod, grabs her bag, and walks away from me out the door. What the hell just happened?