Page 146 of King Larson

“Yes, I’m still here.” I take an earphone out.

He smiles in his sleep as he heaves a happy sigh.

“I knew you were here. I can tell you’re here. You’re hard to miss.” Even in his sleep, he’s a fucking charmer. “Baby, I miss you. Leia, Leia, Leia. Forever and always.” My heart suddenly stops. I walk over to him and pull the blanket over him some more because I have no idea what to do in this situation. But he continues nonetheless.

“For the last year, I couldn’t see things clearly...but it’s you. It’s always been you, babydoll. I’ve messed up. I don’t know why, but I have. Are you there?” he asks again, heaving a tired sigh.

“Yes, Jake. I’m here,” I whisper back, sitting back in the chair.

“Good. Then you can hear me loud and clear. I love you. I’minlove with you. I fucked up, baby. But I love you so much. Don’t go, baby.Pleasedon’t go.”

I can’t stop the tears from flowing.

“I won’t go, Larson. I’m here,” I whisper, voice shaking.

He smiles in his sleep again as he hugs his pillow tighter. I get up and softly kiss his forehead. He slowly falls back into his stupor as I sit back down.

And it’s just me trying to control my tears for the rest of the night.

And him having no goddamn clue what he’s just done to make me this way.


It wasn’t as much of a blur as I hoped it was.

The weird paradox is that I don’t even feel an ounce of regret. I told Leia that I love her, and it feels like a huge milestone. I knew it this entire time, but I was trying so hard to ignore the feeling.

Leia Walton, girl of my dreams, girl who I would walk to the ends of the earth for. I fell tragically hard for her. I fell so fucking hard, it’s dangerous. I knew exactly how it would go, waking up the next morning.

I even expected the massive headache I have. The pounding in my head doesn’t change the relief I feel. Something about telling her I love her changes everything. It just makes it that much harder to let her go.

The smell of coffee breaks me from my thoughts.

Who’s up this early?

I look down at the plaid shirt and jeans I’m wearing, cursing myself for not wearing something more comfortable last night. I knew I was going to drink myself to a stupor, so ideally, I should’ve planned better.Sue me. I begrudgingly get out of bed, the simple action making my head pulse again. For fuck’s sake, I need to chill with the drinking.

Making it downstairs, the coffee smell grows stronger and so does the smell of eggs and bacon. I instantly smile at the mixture of smells. It just reeks of Leia.

My girl. She’s wearing a sweatshirt, shorts, and flip-flops, her hair in a messy bun.Fuck me, she’s beautiful. I accidentally bump into the island chair, making her turn around. Her smile grows when she sees me.

“Jake! Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she says, her voice soft. I’m just staring at her. “There’s coffee over there.” She points to our coffee maker. “And I’m making breakfast. As you can see,” she says, chuckling.

“And what did I do to deserve such treatment?” I mock. It’s meant to be a joke, but it’s a serious question.

She laughs at this, still scrambling eggs. “I just felt like cooking. It seemed like you could use it.” That speaks volumes. I really did have a rough night. I have no recollection of what happened after telling her I love her. It’s a complete blur. “Do you like cheese or anything on your eggs?”

I smile. “Cheese is good,” I simply say. She gives me a small smile and turns back to scrambling. I continue staring at her as she continues cooking. It feels right to see her like this. I had no idea she even cooked. There are so many things I’d like to learn about her. I know almost nothing about her, aside from her personality and that I want no one except her. “Leia—”

“I have to run in a few minutes, so I won’t be able to eat with you,” she says with a nervous face. I know that face. She’s dodging me.

“Are you heading back home today?” Shit. I didn’t even think about whether or not she was going home today. I graduated yesterday. We’re all supposed to be moving out today. Is she heading back to Los Angeles? She grabs a plate and scrapes the eggs on it.

“Yeah...later on today,” she says.

My heart basically crumbles with that simple statement. I may never see her again.

“That’s nice.” I don’t know what to say. It’s so awkward between us. I can’t gauge when—orif—she wants to talk about last night. By the looks of it, she doesn’t even want to talk at all. She gives me a plate and another small smile. “Thank you, Allie.”