“That album was a big hit for you, wasn’t it?”

That album was huge. It made me a very rich man. And it transformed my career into what it is today. “The album went multiplatinum the month that it released.” It’s approaching diamond status, but I doubt that Leighton knows what that means.

“That album means the world to me. And it was my proudest accomplishment… until Scarlett Leighton came along.”

“I see that you brought your guitar. Planning to write your next multiplatinum album while we have cheese and wine?”

“Perhaps. Or maybe I just want to hear you sing some more.”

Damn, I enjoyed singing with Leighton. I loved everything about the way our voices harmonized. Loved the way it felt to have her so near. Loved the way she looked at me while she was singing those lyrics about making love.

Fuck… I sound like a pussy.

“I’ve sang enough for today, but I’d love to hear what you’re working on.”

“Maybe. We’ll see.”

Leighton unpacks the food from the basket while I lie on my back and look at the sky and clouds above. The weather is perfect for a picnic. Slight overcast so it’s not too bright. Not too hot. Not too cool. “Beautiful day to do something like this.”

“It is. I’m glad your mama suggested it.”

Mama is crazy about Leighton. I’m sure that she’d love nothing more than to see me end up with her. I should probably expect a lot more suggestions like this one.

“I would have liked to have taken you somewhere, but I don’t get to do that kind of thing often. I learned a long time ago that it’s not worth the hassle.”

“The outing to get your mama’s birthday present was fine.”

“That old lady didn’t have a clue who I was. But that’s not the case with most people in this town.”

“I would have thought that your hometown wouldn’t be as bad since you grew up here.”

“It’s better, but still not worth the trouble of going out and tackling the crowd.” I continue looking at the sky, “I’m used to it, but I’d lose my shit if people harassed you.” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but it’s true. Leighton is nice. It would kill me to see her harassed on my account.

“I’m tough, River. Probably more so than you think.”

“You’ll have to be because as much as I hate it, I won’t be able to keep the vultures away from you forever.” Maybe not today or tomorrow but they’ll get to Scarlett and Leighton at some point. They always find a way.

My eyes are shut, but I open them when a shadow covers my face. “This is delicious. Open up.”

I open and Leighton drops a bite-size piece of meat into my mouth. Tastes like bacon, but with a different texture. Pork belly, maybe? “Mmm… that is good. More.”

I open my mouth and hold out my tongue, waiting to see what she’ll choose to give me next.

Creamy and pungent with an acidic after-bite. “Blue cheese?”

“Yes. Here… you need a cracker to go with it.”

The cracker helps cut the pungent acidic aftertaste but not enough. It’s still terrible. “Ugh. Give me something else to get that terrible taste out of my mouth.”

“Not a fan, huh?”

“Hell no.”

“Me either.” She giggles. “I just wanted to see what kind of face you would make.”

“You’re evil, woman.” I open and she drops a smooth sphere into my mouth. Sweet and juicy. A grape. “Much better. Thank you.”

I like this side of Leighton. Lighthearted. Playful. Genuine. It’s not typical to see those qualities in the people around me. Everyone wants something from me.