Leighton is a rarity.

We eat and talk and laugh and eat some more. She’s poked enough food in my mouth to keep me full until breakfast tomorrow. But I let her because I like it.

“Is the wine good?”

“Excellent. Want to try it?”

She holds out her glass, but that’s not the way that I want to taste the wine. I’m so fucking tempted to grab the back of her neck and pull her close so my mouth can devour hers.

I contemplate doing it, just going for it, when I hear the sound of an ATV in the distance.

Who the hell is on my land? It better not be paparazzi. I won’t get finished kicking ass.

I sit up and cock my head, listening to hear which direction the sound is coming from.

“What is it?”

“I hear someone. An ATV. It’s coming from the direction of the house.”

Her eyes widen. “Scarlett…”

“My mama would have called if anything was wrong.”

The words are barely out of my mouth when the ping sound alerts me to an incoming text.

Mom: Doug is here. He left on the side-by-side to look for you.

Doug is here? At my house? Unannounced? That’s just fucking great. He’s the last person on earth that I want to see right now. Especially in this moment when I’m enjoying this alone time with Leighton.

River: Okay. Thanks.

Mom: Everything going okay?

River: It was.

This is the first time Leighton has left the house without Scarlett. Being here with her, having one-on-one adult time, has been great. And it had so much potential for getting even better.

But not now. Doug is ruining our brief time away from our responsibilities at the house.

“Everything okay?”

No. Doug never shows up at my house unless he wants something. And it’s usually something that I don’t want to give him. “Mama says that it’s my manager. He’s looking for me.”

“Then I guess our little vacation is over.”

“I’m afraid so. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was fun while it lasted.”

Leighton packs the food basket while I fold the blanket. “Maybe we can try again soon.”

“I hope so.” I really do.

River: My mom texted that you looking for me. I’m on my way back to the house. I’ll meet you in the studio.

Doug: Okay. See you there.

Doug is an asshole, but he’s a beast when it comes to managing my career. He has played a huge part in my success. But we’re even: I have made him a very rich man.