Page 55 of Almost Married

“Is it much further?”

“I got us reservations for dinner. Reserved the whole place for late night. Cool?”

She gritted her teeth. “No, it’s not cool. Dave is waiting for me. He thought I was just going backstage to sign the papers.”

“Don’t worry. He’s at the hotel. Probably already asleep by now.”

She scowled and called Dave again. Still went to voicemail. She was getting a very bad feeling about this. Why wasn’t he answering his phone?

“Come on, Dave,” she muttered, staring at her phone. It wasn’t like him not to answer. Unless he was really, really mad at her.

The limo stopped. She peered out the window. They were stuck in traffic.

“Damn traffic,” Griff said. “The one thing you can count on in L.A.”

“What’s the name of the hotel?” Steph asked. She’d try the room.

“Relax,” Griff said. “I just want to be with you a little longer. You’ll see Dave soon enough.”

Panic shot through her. She reached for the door handle. “I’ll walk back.”

She tried to open it. Locked. She turned wide eyes to Griff.

“Chill, Steph. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want one last dinner. It’s this cool place in Beverly Hills. You’ll love it. We never did get to have dinner.”

“Is the hotel the Sunset Marquis?” she asked, already looking up the number. It was Griff’s favorite hotel. Rock stars loved the place because of its location, right off the Sunset Strip, near House of Blues, Roxy, and Viper Room, and it had a recording studio in the basement.

Griff smiled. “You remembered. Yup, that’s the place.”

She placed the call and asked for the room. The phone rang, twelve rings, no answer. She disconnected and stared at Griff. He held a crystal glass of whiskey in one hand, legs stretched out in front of him, mirrored aviator shades on as he gazed out the window. In that moment, he looked every bit the rock star he was, and she hated what he’d become. But she wasn’t in a great position here. She just needed to get back to Dave. What must Dave be thinking right now? She went alone backstage with Griff and still hadn’t come back hours later. He would think the worst. He usually did freak out where she and Griff were concerned.

“Did you take his cell?” Steph asked.

Griff frowned. “I’m not a thief. No.”

“What did you do to him?”

He took a sip of whiskey, pushed his shades to the top of his head, and regarded her with annoyance. “I called for a car to take him back to the hotel. He’s probably relaxing poolside at the Sunset. Poor guy.”

She dialed again. Voicemail. She bit her lip. At least the limo was moving again. They’d exited the freeway and were speeding down some local road.

“I’ll set up a trust for Joey,” Griff said.

That got her attention.

“If you can wait one more year for the divorce,” he said, “I’ll make sure he’s taken care of for life.”

She felt like jumping at the offer. Lifelong care for Joey would be a huge relief. Then again, Griff had used her brother as leverage before.

Steph heaved a sigh. “I feel like you’re playing me again. Why should I trust that you’ll do what you say?”

“You know I love Joey.”

“That doesn’t mean you’ll keep your end of the deal.”

“I really want to. A year from now I can have the money lined up. It’s a win-win. You’ll be happy. My people will be happy.”

“You’ll be happy you’re not bankrupt.”

He inclined his head.

“I don’t know.”

“Think it over at dinner.”

She crossed her arms. “Dinner won’t change anything between us. I’m sorry. That’s just the way it is.”

He blew out a breath. Then he surprised her by knocking on the window separating them from the driver. It rolled down.

“Take Steph back to the hotel,” Griff said.

“You need better press,” a feminine voice responded.

“Mandy?” Griff asked, clearly surprised. “Uh, I don’t know what you think you’re doing…” He trailed off. “Where’s Rex?”